Sunday, June 29, 2014

I love You Momma!

Call it crazy but I call it missing my Momma...

I was in Walgreens the other day and I walked by this card that stood out. Mainly because it had a black woman on it that immediately reminded me of my Momma. So I stopped and read the card and ironically, it was a birthday card for a mother. I have not looked at birthday cards for a Mother since she passed, one because I purposely avoid them and two because it's painful.

However, I was drawn to this one particular card. As I read it I actually felt like I was saying it to her and felt as if she was still here with me and listening. Needless to say, I got emotional and even though she's not with me I bought the card anyway and will keep it in remembrance of her. I love you Momma and miss you so very much! There are so many things I would love to share and talk to you about.... :-( #inMyFeelings

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