Friday, June 13, 2014

Favor Ain't Fair


Remember when I always say that little acts of kindness never goes unnoticed by God? Well here is my huge testimony for the New Year.
I normally don't share the good things I do, but I think it is in order today. On Christmas Eve when I went to get my first set of shots, the credit card machine at the AZ Pain Center was not working so they asked me if I could pay in cash or if they could bill me later. Well I paid in cash and sat back down. Another patient, a middle - aged Caucasian American male, came in shortly thereafter and when they came to take him back they gave him the same spill about his copay.  He said he didn't have cash so bill him. It was only he and I in the lobby and after they took him back I paid - it - forward and paid his $20 copay in cash for him. The receptionist was shocked and was almost in tears and asked could she let him know what i did and I told her sure after he comes from his procedure but no thanks was necessary.

Well today I go online to pay my mortgage and it tells me it has been paid! I'm like huh? This is certainly a mistake. ... So I call Wells Fargo and sure enough they informed me that I made 2 payments in March of last year and November of the previous year and that I've overpaid and their system caught it. .. I'm still like are you sure lady? She said yes. We will print it out and send it to you. I didn't argue or inquire anymore. But for the life of me I can't Remember over paying or paying a bill twice in my life EVER! !And for those amounts I'm sure I would have noticed or caught it by now! :/ BUT THANK YOU GOD. .FAVOR AIN'T FAIR!!! #paidItForward #actOfKindness  #TrulyBlessed

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