Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Do Better Parents

Disclaimer: Some feelings may be hurt and some faces might be tightened after reading this post. But me being me, I'm OK with that. Sometimes feelings are meant to be hurt, for it builds character or make you do better. .. ..#youCantWhoopMeAnyway #I'mpackingHeat

Yes, It is my Business:

As I have scrolled through my timeline over the last week, as well as, received disappointing messages, I have noticed that many children and especially parents have been very upset and rightfully so. Just like there are birthdays, holidays, and etc., you know when your kids are graduating, having promotional ceremonies and the like. Just as you prepare for other events (mainly selfish ones), by right, you should plan on being there to support your child during such an accomplishment. I work day in and day out, trying to encourage and support kids and undo the damage caused by many inconsiderate parents. Many of my kids literally "hate" their parents due to lack of support, care, and love. Certainly if I can take a little time, effort, and gas to support children that are not my bio-kids, then surely the least the bio- mom and dad can do is be there. Chances are you probably don't do anything else for them anyway so what's so bad about putting forth a free effort that cost you almost nothing but a tank of gas to show some support for their accomplishments. It may be meaningless to you, but it means the world to a child.

I bet if that kid was having a ceremony in which to receive a million dollars, walking pneumonia couldn't keep you bedridden to the point you wouldn't attend. I bet if they were signing or being drafted into the professional league, you would brag to your boss while TELLING them (not asking) that you have to be there for your child.  Whether a $1 million or 5 A's and a B that child will always remember that look of pride and happiness on their parents face for the rest of their lives. It's hard enough for kids as it is. These kids could be locked up, but instead they are staying in school, finishing, and making good grades and athletic accomplishments along the way. Be proud of that. Early support of your children whether they are doing good or bad, is what makes the difference in their future. Whether they choose the high road or low road at least you know you did your part and was there through it all. Who cares if you don't like the other parent. If you were able to like them the few minutes it took to conceive then I'm quite sure you can deal with them long enough for your creation to walk across a stage and receive a diploma or award. Once you have a child, there is no "just you" anymore. Stop thinking about your selfish reasons and emotions and start thinking how your actions affect your child when you are not there for them during special occasions.

I commend all step-parents or fill-in mom and dads that step in and take on the responsibility of supporting someone else's kids as if they were your own. Your good and genuine deeds will not, and is not, going unnoticed. Thank God for ya!

Yes, Ms. Marilyn can and will be there when possible, but me being there is nothing compared to their own parents putting aside their egos and differences for but a moment in time to celebrate their kids and their accomplishments. So when your child grows up and does not want to have anything to do with you, don't blame the other parent or anyone else. Blame yourself. . For it was you that decided not to be in your kids life, or chose not to support them when it counted or meant the most. .
#iLoveTheKids #doBetterParents #thatIsAll

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