Friday, June 13, 2014

Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

Are Y'All Ready For This: (on break grabbing the mic)

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Tis' is not the season nor is people's FB Inbox the place to be soliciting for, begging for, or asking to borrow money from people that you hardly know or from your so-called "as you need them" friends. It's never really appropriate but if you don't know people or even socialize with them, or better yet, don't even have access to their personal contact information other than social media, then you certainly should not have the gall or audacity to be asking them for anything but prayers. If you passed by their comments, post, and pics, and heck even passed by them in person and did not Acknowledge in any shape form or fashion then keep it moving passed their Inbox. . It's only right. It's time to Stop using people, especially those with giving hearts that will possibly do anything to help without you lying and scamming. Come on Grown Americans. ...

And I'm not going to leave out those of you that put your plans in motion weeks before you "pop the big question" by commenting and liking everything your target person posts. Just because you take the time to set the stage and put your plan in motion and then stay in contact a few weeks after, does not mean your game hasn't been peeped as well. I've been hood-winked and bamboozled by the scheme many times but when you learn and you know better... you guessed it. .. you do better! But it doesn't stop there, then you teach those that might be subjected to such Foolery as you were. Each one teach one and so forth. ... I'm trying to help you here.

Some of you will hate me for this post and some will appreciate it. . But at the end of the day this was my story, And I'm sticking to it! I got "Got" and I'm still taking the lesson behind falling for the schemes.... Never Again. If they can't knock on your door or call your home number with a genuine need and a genuine plan to repay you. .DON'T DO IT!! (Drops the mic and exits the stage because I can) #CREDITCHECKS #BACKGROUNDCHECKS #GENUINENEEDCHECKS #INTENDEDPURPOSECHECKS  #CONTRACTSIGNED
YOU'VE BEEN CHECKED!!  #1HundredAsItsKept #TheyMadTo day

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