Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Arguing Is Ok

Relationship Advice:

It is ok and perfectly normal to have a healthy argument. Arguments are away to show your disapproval, your objection to something, and to rid yourself of budding and existing pinned up emotions and hostility. It is better out than in. When you hold negative emotions inside, eventually you will explode and say the wrong things and hurtful things you can't take back. However, when you do argue, understand that there is a healthy way to do it (in my Keith Sweat voice. .There's a right and a wrong way to fuss at somebody). OK I digressed, back to being serious. But lastly, stop thinking that because you had a HEALTHY argument that your relationships are over, be it a friendship, courtship (dating), marriage, or family relations. If the argument is healthy it only makes the relationship stronger and better. If an argument ruins your relationship either 1) it wasn't genuine from the start, 2) you don't know how to convey your point in a meaningful manner, 3) the one you are arguing with doesn't know how to convey their point in a meaningful manner, and 4) your relationship was already nearing it's demise prior to the argument anyway.......~Dr. Rock Ramsey~ #argumentsDontEndRealRelationships your actions do. 

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