Friday, October 31, 2014

Learn when to let go

The truth of the matter:

Most women don't want a new man. They just want the old one and wish the old one would act right and man-up...

Unfortunately we can't live off of the wish creed, and eventually we have to learn that it does not matter how bad we wish or want someone to change, it will never happen if that person doesn't want to. It is at that point, that you have no choice but to move on or remain unhappy. If you're already hurting now why continue? Hurt now or hurt later but don't do both. Learn when to let go....
#FromAWoman'sPerspective ~Dr. Rock Ramsey ~

Monday, October 20, 2014


Living a square life in a round world is a hard thing to do but somebody has to do it. It is not His desire for us to be of the World but in the World carving new shapes and patterns. If we continue to do things in the cookie cutter way we've always done, we will continue to get the same results in an ever changing world.... I dare you to think outside the box instead of conforming to the world and society's way.... Sometimes it pays to be square. #differentBreed #iAmL7

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Stop hurting yourself:

Sometimes doing the best and right things in our interest are the hardest things to do. We might feel guilty at times because people sometimes get their feelings hurt based on our decisions to protect our own feelings that keep getting hurt by them. But in the end, if you think about it, if those people whose feelings you are forced to hurt, cared anything about you and your feelings, you wouldn't be in a position that warrants you hurting them in order to protect yourself. If it were not for their actions you wouldn't be in such a difficult position as to choose whether to hurt them or allow them to continue to hurt you. When people hurt you, they are giving you the OK to hurt them back, in so many words, and in return putting themselves in a position to get hurt.. Thus..You hit me and I'm going to hit you back. Maybe not immediately, but surely eventually... Remember hurt people hurt people...... It has to end somewhere... So why not start by refusing to hurt yourself, by stopping others from hurting you??? Get rid of those people that hurt you and ask God to remove the unnecessary guilt of doing so. You only did what you should have done quite naturally to protect you. #learningToCutToxicPeopleOff

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Team Embrace Your Worth

Dr. Rock Ramsey,

Do you think that the reason so many women are single is because of their new found era of embracing their "worth"? Is embracing their worth and recognizing their worth preventing them from putting up with normal daily relationship woes... because "I know my worth and I don't have to put up with this?" Therefore, they are not giving a man a real chance?

Dr. Rock: AHmmmmmmm....My answer is YES and rightfully so, and that's how it should be. No woman should sacrifice how she should be or wants to be treated even if that means being single. What you put up with and what you allow will be the epitome of your life and relationship. Are there certain things that are manageable and that some women are able to put up with and look over and still maintain their worth..... YES! No man is perfect. Therefore, a woman needs to remain flexible but not broken to the point of putting up with foolishness. However, when a woman feels like there is certain behavior that she can't put up with because it's slowly damaging her physically, mentally, emotionally, or verbally then it's time to rethink whether it is beneficial to sacrifice her worth. Either they stay for the sake of being cuffed or they take the chance of being alone in order to open the door to the one that compliments her and add to her worth. I'll take being single over being unhappy any day...#TeamEmbraceSelfWorth And there it is...... ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

And BTW: This goes for men too. I do believe when a man realize his true worth he won't need this, that, and the third side chick to validate who he is or stitch up his bruised ego......oooops.. For every worthy man is 1 worthy woman... Believe that!!☺☺☺☺😘

Friday, October 3, 2014

What's so hard about it?

Is it so hard to believe that a Good Black Woman Still exist?
Is it so hard to believe that a virtuous woman can indeed have black skin and nappy hair?
Is it so hard to fathom a Black Woman who has been through trials and tribulations, but is still able to speak life into a man?
Is it so hard to believe that as independent as she may be there are certain things independence can't give her therefore she needs a real man?
A real man that understand the difference between her needing him and wanting him and how important both scenarios are. A real man that see her value as a real woman based on her own merits and not the transgressions of his past little girls.
Is it so hard to believe that some women are truthful and honest and have nothing to gain from lying to a man and nothing to lose from walking away if a man doesn't trust her anyway?
Why is it hard to believe, even if there are just a few, that good God-fearing women do exist and maybe it's your insecurities that make you think otherwise?
Why can't it be ok for a woman to be self sufficient and only need you for love, support, and companionship?
And why say that you want to provide for her, and want her to need and depend on you, but put stipulations on the needs you will provide or she can ask for?
Why bother a real woman if you know you're not a real man?
Why clump good women in the universal phrase "these hoe's ain't loyal" when the attributes of a real woman and hoe's differ quite a bit and further more many men fit the attributes of a hoe as well?
Is it so hard to believe that most women want their own man, not to be shared and will honor the loyalty ten folds?
Why ask for something that you claim you want, but you can't handle?
Why ask her to have your back when you square off with her face-to-face yelling as if she's the enemy?
Real black women do exist but where are you real black men? The real black man that can actually see her worth and treat her as the priceless breed of woman she is? Show up, Stand up, Speak up, or Keep it Moving.. A real woman can be the woman a man needs, but can you at least be what a real woman wants? I real man.... Now Ponder that.... And there it is.... #ofaDifferentAndRareBreed #treatHerAsSuch #GradeAchoice #REALWOMANCERTIFIED ~Dr. Rock Ramsey ~

Thursday, October 2, 2014

What Dont Kill You Makes You Stronger Aye?

I spoke to a former patient of mine today. She's a victim of domestic violence. She said something that bothered me. She said she's still being abused from time to time but things are better. I won't go in depth about the conversation but before the conversation ended she said.... Well he hasn't killed me so I guess I'm only getting stronger. I almost lost my cool at that point but I kept my cool needless to say.

My friends...Yes it's cliche... What don't kill you makes you stronger. But on the real, don't let trying to be stronger get you killed. Don't keep trying to get make-believe muscles and be stronger and end up dead in the process. It doesn't work like that. Know when enough is enough and be strong enough to walk away while you still have strength and blood in your veins to walk. Trying to flex and be stronger can kill you too. Find your strength another way...enduring domestic abuse is not it.......

Got Favor?

You cannot say you've never experienced the Favor of God if you are doing the same things, working the same jobs, and making the same amount of money you've been making for years and you are still prospering and getting the things you want as well as need. If you haven't realized it yet, it ain't about the money or your employers. The ability to maintain what you have and continue to increase the things you have on the same budget comes from Favor. No more and no less.... Bills continue to increase while your salary stays the same, yet, you are steady upgrading.... #itsIncreaseInFavorNotMoney ☺

Let's have church

Don't have time to go to church?

Ok let me help you out....
There's too much technology out there for you to miss out on the WORD!

Ok check it....Church Program

First..........Go to YouTube and pull up a devotional hymn* and play it.

Second.....When it finishes, say a quick prayer.

Third.........Find you another upbeat selection on YouTube.

Fourth.......Read your preferred Scripture.

Fifth...........Find you a slow Sermonic Hymn selection.

Sixth.........Go to TD Jakes website and pick you a podcast Sermon and if all else fails resort back to YouTube and find you a Sermon by one of your favorite Reverends, Pastors, or Bishops.

Seventh.......Find you an alter call song on YouTube.

Eighth..........Say the benediction and go on about your day.

*You can substitute personal solos at anytime....

Btw: You can have church anytime, anywhere, and anyway you like it. Tried and tested... MWiley approved...Now what's your excuse. ;-)