Friday, June 13, 2014

My Skin Won't Get Me In

My Sermon for Today:

News Flash....MY SKIN WON'T GET ME IN!!!!!

First giving honor to God and second to those who read this.
But anyway, I won't hold you long,  but due to such comments as made on the attached IG post and other text and Inbox messages I've received such as, "you going to church with the tat out and OMG you have tattoos, and I can't believe you got tats, and etc. I felt it necessary to let you know. .It's not my skin that will get me in, so why not let my body art show. Whether I cover it or not, God knows it's there and I am not concerned with what my fellow humans have to say about my adult choices. Yeah the Bible said.. .. but the Bible also said thou shalt not judge, fornicate, kill, sleep with married people, get drunk or high, and all that other stuff some of us try to hide. Hiding things does not negate the fact that it's there. Pick your poison and I'll pick mine but I promise God will see my Good and my Genuine heart before he sees the skin I'm in. So instead of worrying about this Grown American and her love for body art, worry about removing those character stains that you are trying to hide, yet everyone knows about and sees daily. Why try to hide and pretend in church? You should be so confident in the life you live that you are comfortable being you, and doing you, whether in church or not. My views are not like others and are very different than popular belief. However, it is because of that difference that I have become who I am. At the end of the day I feel good about the way I treat others, I know my worth, I know my value, I have morals, I feel great being me, and I love the SKIN I'M IN! I really encourage others to invest in themselves, their self expression, and their personal qualities, happiness, and worth and spend less time trying to make people conform to the norm. I was told that conforming to the norm can create abnormalities where people become afraid to find their own identity. I got mine. . Get yours.. #theRealest #tattedAndLoveIt #somethingSerious

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