Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Please Don't Judge Me

Journal Entry #223

"Don't Judge Me, but Respect My Differing Views"

This is long and in depth but it allowed me to get out my thoughts and recognize my possible ill will with "simpletons". As with all my post you are welcome to read it and if not keep scrolling and keep it moving.

Anyway. . Some of you may remember that on the day my car was scraped, I mentioned that someone had offended me but I was going to be slow to vent or respond due to different beliefs among those that read my posts. I mentioned that I didn't want to offend the person or anyone else by what I would say at that time. 

To put it simple. A parent said that she refuses to let her children participate in superficial/man made holidays and asked me what was my opinion mainly on "Halloween and scary stuff". I told her that I'm biased in my opinion because I grew up engaging in such things as Halloween and watching scary movies. I even expressed that having a 6th sense is sometimes worse and was like Halloween and scary movies magnified to the 10th power. Well she proceeds to tell me that "that stuff is demonic" and causes children to grow up acting those evil things out or e c entually become mentally disturbed"...I told her I totally see her point, and I'm sure there is some possible research on the affects Halloween and scary movies have on children,  and to each his/her own. I also added that my siblings and I are fine after being exposed to those things and that we were able to distinguish between real things and make believe and what was appropriate behavior and not. I further told her that I was afraid of things and that experiencing the death of others before and after they've passed, long before I was exposed to scary movies.  But anyway she offended me by saying she is going to pray for me and pray I get delivered from my 6th sense because it's not of God and also pray to remove my need to be frightened. I told her don't pray for me but pray for her own understanding and acceptance of others whose life preference are different than hers. At that point I told her we need to move on from that conversation because I didn't see anything positive coming out of it. (BASICALLY MY WAY OF TELLING HER TO PUMP HER BRAKES BECAUSE THIS AIN'T WHAT YOU WANT. .) I was HOT but had to remember I had to remain professional at all times while interning.

Now that I've had time to cool off and think of what this conversation meant to me or taught me. It forced me to really form my own thoughts and opinions on the subject. Soul searching if you must. .

Well in my professional opinion, stopping kids from imagining things, believing in fairytales, Doc McStuffins, Dora, Santa, the Easter Bunny is certainly the moment when all other negative thoughts and spirits invade their mind and cause them to act and behave in evil ways. When I was a kid "four score and seven years ago" we were challenged and forced to use our imagination and to dream big dreams for the future, even make up inside games when we couldn't go outside. We believed in wishing on a star and making a wish while blowing the pixies off of a dandelion. I believed it all and I'm just fine, if I must say so myself. Why or how so you might ask? Well it's because my parents taught me that above all is a God that sits high and looks low. And by the way my friends, you can't serve a God you've never seen without using your imagination to format or create an image of Him and what you identify with as being your God or Supreme Being. The way in which I believe, identify, and serve a God that I haven't seen is to imagine what he might look like. By the way, it might be worth it for you to look up what "Faith" really is. Let me know if it has anything to do with believing. ...

I found out that Humans want to be able to dictate everything under the sun, including what you think, imagine, and even believe. And if you don't conform to their beliefs and opinions then you are a sinner that's going to die and you are damned to hell. Well NEWS FLASH...As Quiet as its kept, there are several "saints" that proclaimed to have believed in God, that probably still died and went to hell. Yeah, I know that I'm different and my beliefs are not yours and I respect that and I welcome the diversity and ability to chose my path and create my own character while allowing you to do the same. Yes, I like scary movies, I love Halloween, and yes indeed I have a 6th sense which many call weird, ungodly and of a demonic nature, but regardless of what people may think of me, I also reverence my Supreme being as being God Almighty and no one or no "thing" can change that. If I'm going to hell for celebrating Halloween, looking at horror movies, and wanting flowers on Valentines Day. .. Then I certainly know I'm not going it alone....

In my opinion, there was less killings among children when they/we were allowed to play outside,  imagine we were super heroes, and dreaming of white picket fences while laying out in the meadows grass. Don't judge me but instead,  reevaluate your own truths because you probably was a candy snatching costumed gobbler at some point and time too and have indulged in assorted chocolates on a day many were massacred. People have done far worse things than just participating in Halloween pranks and celebrating Valentines Day. Those same parents that won't allow their kids to participate in Halloween, are the same parents that's looking for something on Valentines Day. But for those I encourage you to look up what Valentines really signifies.

Among this new breed, laughter became anger, pranks turned to bullying, school rivals and conpetion turned into school gangs & fighting, resulting in violence. Where did our kids go? Oh yeah, we stopped letting them be kids and stopped allowing them to be exposed to kid things and playing outside, yet expose them to dysfunction, drugs, and violence because while they are inside playing video games they heard mommy and daddy arguing instead of being outside playing and instead of missing out on the name calling and disrespect they added those tainted words to their vocabulary. We shield our kids from "harmless" things but expose them to adult life at a young age and allow them to engage in things beyond their time and wonder why we find porn on their laptops and Ipads. They are only seeking out those things they've been exposed to. How many times have you caught your kid searching "Halloween" or downloading scary movies? I rather scary movies than porn. But that's just me. #IloveHalloween&ScaryMovies #team6thsense #pickYourPoison #AndiwillpickMine ~ Ms. Marilyn Wiley, MSPsych~ A.K.A Dr. Rock Ramsey. ..

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