Friday, June 13, 2014


What I'm thinking: I cannot expect people to relate to something that they have no connection with. I cannot expect a person to understand my intense emotions on race relations if they have never experienced racism. People are only passionate or emotionally charged about those things that they can connect to or with in some way. If you can't relate you can't connect and if you can't connect, you may understand the concept, but can never truly understand the principles of the matter. For example, if I've never had a broken bone I cannot tell a person with a broken leg I know how they feel. Non-African American women should not be able to judge a racially charged situation if they cannot connect to racism or understand the struggle that defines it, unless on the other hand, you were taught racism, which is what it all boils down to, a learned behavior. Only those that can identify with being a racist or have been subjected to racism or racial matters can decide whether a situation wreaks of racism. Call it bias....perhaps. But you are to be judged by a jury of your peers. Even so, five of the six were not even Zimmerman's race. How can I tell you what something looks like if I never seen it? Or better yet experienced it? You can't poll 100 men about how it feels to be pregnant and call their responses proven, accurate, and valid points. The jurors went with what they knew and obviously what they knew wasn't much about racial profiling or race relations. I'm not mad at them for not being able to identify or distinguish among something they don't know about or not able to connect with, but I am mad at the judicial system that picked that bunch of Americans. But then in again I can't be mad at the ones who picked them because none of them were of color so guess what. . they can't CONNECT EITHER!! I would have loved to see African Americans on the prosecution team just like the one on the defense. .. #MAJORDISCONNECT

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