Friday, June 13, 2014

Sad but True

Taking a mental break. . Tired of scholarly writing but still thinking.

This goes for everyone, but African Americans especially... This might offend some of you but that's OK it won't kill you....

Anyway, we need to stop denying the fact that the so-called "nervous break downs", "troubled kids", and aunts and uncles in the back rooms that talk to themselves are really plagued with undiagnosed mental diseases and disorders. We are quick to call these individuals crazy, demon possessed, bad, dope-heads, and drug addicts instead of getting them help to determine whether they can be clinical diagnosed and treated. There is no need to perform an exorcism on a child or adult who is schizophrenic or have multiple personalities. You can't beat the bad out of a kid that is suffering from Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and you can't judge a drug addict for using drugs to deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for a tragic event that left them hopeless and Depressed.

However, we need to stop taking for granted that there is help out there for our mental health and well-being. Seeing a therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist does not mean you are crazy, weak, or don't believe in God. It simply means you need a sounding board, a confident, a life coach that you can vent to and sort out your thoughts with. I have my own and I tell you it really beats telling all my problems to fb and humans who are going to judge me and spread all my business to the next listening ear. I love God and is a firm believer that HE will work everything out for my good, but I also take advantage of having an Earthly ear that will listen and give me feedback when needed and just listen when needed. Two heads are better than one when it comes to sorting out all the things going on in one's head. .

Stop hiding our people with mental issues and stop thinking mental treatment makes you weak. Suicide rates are lowest among African Americans, and even lower among African American Women of all ethnic and gender groups, but it is still on the rise. With as many resources that are available it should be declining instead....#MyThoughts #StillWriting #ForTheFree ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

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