Friday, June 13, 2014

Character Building?

Dr. Rock's Character Building Moment: At the end of the day, it's not how many people are feelings you can hurt, but its how many people you can make smile or make their day brighter. Sometimes we get so caught up in how we feel that we forget that others have feelings too. Everything that we are big and bad enough to say, maybe sometimes we shouldn't say it. Many times you are saying the stuff about someone instead of to them and neither is that Ok. You never know what emotional state someone is in and you just might say that very thing to push them over the edge. Living is not about how many people you can hurt or say mean things to. It's about knowing at the end of the day that you've done something or said something to make someone's life easier and life worth living. Chances are if you're rude behavior and you're rude remark would hurt you if someone said it to you then 9 times outta 10 it hurts the people that you say it to. You see it's one thing about human emotions we all have them. We may experience those emotions at different times but the magnitude of those emotions plays out the same for everyone. Sad is sad, mad is mad, happy is happy, and hurt feelings are hurt feelings. Stop living your life to be mean rude and harsh to others, i.e. family, friends, or strangers, and try being loving caring and encouraging. I've learned that there are some things that I can't take back, but I have also learned that my good deeds I don't have to worry about getting them back. Stop focusing on the bad in people and things, and learn to roll with the punches and make the best of it. What you say and how you say it does effect people. Be it good or be it bad there is an effect. Negative people it's not really about you, but you have tricked yourself into being and believing you are so important that everything has to be about you. Stop and think , do the things you say to people build them up or break them down? If it is to break them down, guess what that's because you're already at the bottom waiting for them. Misery loves company while most good deeds fly solo... Start thinking about what you do and what you say and how you say it to others. Check yourself. .. That is all!!! ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

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