Friday, June 13, 2014

Scared Straight

Confession: I scared a kid to death. It was all with good intentions and I didn't lie to him. The key is to remain honest and be effective when trying to get a desired behavioral outcome.

Case and point....I told a 4yr old if he keeps using bad language and hitting others, something really really bad was going to happen. .(that was the truth)... The kid said he wasn't scared of any "really really" bad stuff happening to him. So I said "are you sure you're not afraid of nothing?" He said "walking dead people. I don't want to die because I don't want to be one of them"..I said "hmmmmm okay.. Well remember when I said something really really bad would happen if you don't stop saying bad words and hitting?"...He said "yeah what?" I said in a sad but matter of fact way. .. YOU'RE GONNA DIE!!.....He was TERRIFIED!!!

Welp needless to say. . He told his momma on me at the end of the session....oooooooo I'm in trouble...NOT

She looked at him very seriously and said yes she's right so what are you going to do so you don't die? He was so upset he didn't want to talk anymore and I didn't force him. But anyway, I told this story because mom called yesterday and said he hasn't used any bad words or been fighting, that she knows of, and he constantly reminds her that if you say bad words you're going to die...HAHAHA.....#SCORE...#ScaredStraightItellya

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