Thursday, June 26, 2014

Interesting Read

The Economic Reason Casual Sex Is Occurring More Than Marriage

By Lincoln Anthony Blades on 06/20/2014@lincolnablades

About a week ago, I came across a video titled “The Economics of Sex,” which attempts to explain why more and more couples are getting married later on in life — if at all. To sum it up, the maker of the video, The Austin Institute, essentially attributes the rise in premarital sex to the decline of marriage. The argument is predicated on the notion that too many women are “giving it away” so quickly that it has decimated the necessity of a lifetime commitment. Then, there is a clever incorporation of the supply-and-demand economic theory that is used to explain why men can continually chase sex without commitment. In the end, The Austin Institutes’ point is that if women engaged in far less premarital sex, men would have to court longer and harder because our natural urge for sex would enable us to acquiesce to our woman’s demand to be married. Besides the fact that this sounds horrifically Orwellian, the truth is that this video has missed the mark in many ways. Forget “The Economics of Sex,” I think the maker of the video should have taken more time to investigate “The Economy of Marriage” – which is what I will do right now.

First off, let’s get something completely clear: Throughout history, marriage has always been a step predicated off a culture’s conceptualization of preparedness. In modern Western Society, that step has become defined by one’s ability not only to love and protect, but to financially provide security. The prevalent reality of the world we live in today is that the step towards “having your shit together” is taking far longer than it ever has at any other time in recent history. This means marriage is getting delayed because economic realities are demanding more from singles and couples than ever before, and that strain is real economics that this video is missing.

But instead of me rambling on, let’s take a trip down history lane and examine how a young man (like I once was), would deal with marriage in 1964 versus the reality in 2014.

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