Friday, June 13, 2014

Multiple Personalities or Nah?

Multiple Personality Disorder: Sitting here reading through some notes on a patient diagnosed with MPD. The patient explained that for each emotion there is a personality and a name to fit it. When each feeling or emotion is present a different demeanor or action is exhibited and they become that person. Hmmmmm...I'm thinking.... well is it possible that we all have multiple personalities, maybe even with or without names. Like 3 or 4 people living within us? Myself for example. .when I'm happy I act happy, when I'm sad I act sad, when I'm mad Ms. Ratchet comes out, when I'm philosophical Dr. Rock comes out, when I'm out with friends and I don't want to be bothered by dudes "Cindy" comes out, when I'm around my siblings Silly comes out, when I'm at work, serious Marilyn comes out. When I'm with EhzMae, Momma comes out lol . And on and on. . Again multiple personalities with or w/o names right? . . What's in a name? A clinical diagnoses perhaps? Clearly there are elevating circumstances that warrants a clinical diagnoses but before you judge or pick at those that have been diagnosed, maybe you should self assess yourself... Mental Illnesses are REAL and MOST go undetected. ....

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