Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Don't let the education fool ya

Don't let the education fool ya:

Although I'm big on getting educated and encouraging others to further their education, the fact remains the same. . There are some people that never went to school or college and are as smart as a whip.

In order to be well-rounded it is good to have both Street and Book sense. However, there are many things that I've learned in school that didn't prepare me at all for the real world and life itself. School didn't teach me how to hustle to get what I wanted, school didn't teach me to be considerate, kind, and compassionate towards others. School lessons didn't teach me how to love others and pray when times get tough. School didn't teach me survival techniques, how to be a mother or wife, how to invest in my future financially or how to build a legacy for offsprings to come. At least not in my courses.

Yes, an education will give you more options but it doesn't guarantee you a job. It's great to have many degrees and academic success, but what good is it if you are not a sociable and well-rounded person that's coach-able and willing to learn from all aspects of life; or know how to hold conversation in laymen's terms. What is it to know every subject but not know how to cope and apply it?

Most educated people forget what they've learned from quarter to quarter and semester to semester anyway, but never forget life lessons..... #truestory #EducationSupercedesJustCollege #knowledgeComesFromManySources

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