Friday, June 13, 2014

What I really wanna say

What I really wanna say:

If I said what I really wanted to say I would call a lot of deserving people ignorant.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would tell people how stupid they are for blaming one man for what this world has become when he didn't do it alone nor does he live here alone.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would probably tell a few people to get their heads and fingers out of their ass so they can stop coming up with this human feces they use to tarnish and scandalize other people's name because their life is meaningless.

If I said what I really wanted to say I know I would tell all negative naysayers to get a life and stop blaming the President and the world for the poor choices they made and poor excuse of a life they live.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would tell all those that find it easier to talk down on others than it is to do better themselves to go straight to hell. . Do not pass through God.. Do not collect any water to cool your behind off.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would say how mad it makes me to see, listen, and understand how grown people teach children and others to hate and discriminate.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would tell people before they judge,say, or do anything mean and hateful, think about the mean and hateful things God could have done to you.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would tell a bunch of know-it-alls that Obama is just a man doing the best he can and he is not the reason for who you are, what you choose to do with your life, or where you are in your life's journey.
If I said what I really wanted to say I would ask who will you blame when Obama's term is over for the problems of this world? God, the Devil, or oh will he still be to blame.

If I said what I wanted to say I would tell a lot of jealous people that too bad your negative posts and non-votes couldn't interfere with God's plan for the White House.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would tell you to stop wasting time fighting and disliking others when it's really yourself you don't like. .Get your Life.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would let you know that in my life God is the Boss and you are just a worker that He will use to make me Great.

If I said what else I really wanted to say I probably would lose a few friends, make you mad, step on some toes, and get death threats too.

Oh well then. . I guess I want say it. ...

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