Friday, June 13, 2014


Everybody knows what it means to grow but not everyone know how to grow.  First you need to be in direct Son-light to receive food to live by. Then you must receive water or fresh rain from above. Cut off all weed that s choking you. Stop sniping at other's brown leaves and prune your own. Be Prepared to lose a few leaves and stems but don't disturb the foundation as that's what keeps you grounded and rooted. Removing those things that are dead or withered makes room for newgrowth. Replace the bad seeds with good seeds. Bad can only kill the good or produce more bad. Fertilize your life with good manure and leave the bad manure to the birds. Yes all manure stink, but the good kind prepare you and provide you with what you need to survive and learn a lesson of persevering through it all to reach ultimate measures of growth.  Clean fresh air after the struggle through the funk is priceless. It is then that you know you have grown up and out of a stinky situation.
In the end you must plant good seed so that you multiply and spread the miracle of growth.

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