Sunday, September 28, 2014

Don't Rush... #bepatient

Everybody wants to be "boo-ed up" or have a special man or woman in their life. But understand, everyone will not find true love, everyone will not get married, and everyone will not have kids and live happily ever after. No, I'm not saying it can't happen or won't happen, but if you look at the reality of the matter many people have died and gone to Heaven (and perhaps Hell) and never got married, had intimate relations, or had kids. However, don't let that startling fact scare you into entering a relationship that's not for you, that's not good to you, and is not a positive situation conducive to the kind of love life you're looking for. Rushing to be in unhealthy relationships for the sake of not being alone the rest of your life might not be a good idea in the grand scheme of things. I don't know about you, and call me scared or a wuss, but I'd rather embrace my singleness, my happiness, my freedom and my self-esteem than to sacrifice all of that for something I'm not ready for or am unsure of whether it's a good thing for me. These  relationships of this day and time have shown me and taught me that sometimes waiting and being selective can be a positive thing. I'm learning that being cuffed ain't all it's cracked up to be and can be very much overrated. Oh and yes I plan to get married and have (look up at the sky in a side eyed way).... Yes I plan to get married and if it's God's Will plan to have...plan to have.... Yeah that..... But, I'd rather be alone and happily embracing me, my goals, and my life than to share my life with the wrong person who could potentially be the author of my unhappiness and rob me of my goals and who I am..... Take your time, don't be anxious, and think about it long and hard my friends... Wait for it... Doing grow weiry in your waiting. And while you wait ask God to send you who HE has for you and prepare you for them as well, also knowing that you may remain on the shelf for a while, and maybe even for good, because you are priceless and too worthy to be tampered with. Being untouchable does not mean being unlovable or not capable of loving. It simply means,,that's the role God gave you in HIS script of Life. ;-) Anyway.... All I'm trying to say is take love slowly (in my KC and JoJo voice)☺😊😁😀 #dontrushIt And there it is.. ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

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