Thursday, October 2, 2014

Let's have church

Don't have time to go to church?

Ok let me help you out....
There's too much technology out there for you to miss out on the WORD!

Ok check it....Church Program

First..........Go to YouTube and pull up a devotional hymn* and play it.

Second.....When it finishes, say a quick prayer.

Third.........Find you another upbeat selection on YouTube.

Fourth.......Read your preferred Scripture.

Fifth...........Find you a slow Sermonic Hymn selection.

Sixth.........Go to TD Jakes website and pick you a podcast Sermon and if all else fails resort back to YouTube and find you a Sermon by one of your favorite Reverends, Pastors, or Bishops.

Seventh.......Find you an alter call song on YouTube.

Eighth..........Say the benediction and go on about your day.

*You can substitute personal solos at anytime....

Btw: You can have church anytime, anywhere, and anyway you like it. Tried and tested... MWiley approved...Now what's your excuse. ;-)

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