Friday, October 7, 2016


People stay in bad or unfulfilling relationships because they are still in love with "how it use to be". Once you realize whether or not there is "true" or "realistic" potential for things to be like they "use to be", you will be in a better place to make a decision on matters of the heart.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Be A Kid Model

Check it:

A lot of grown people are doing a lot of childish and unspeakable things that they think are hidden but they are not. And you wonder why children are doing grown up things and mimicking the appalling and unspeakable things they witness at an early age... You can't expect your child to know how to manage money or appreciate a dollar when you don't. You can't expect them to tell the truth when they hear you lying. You can't expect your child to respect others when you don't. You can't expect your child to build meaningful relationships when you can't. You can't expect your child to grow up and be faithful to their mate when they watch you changing partners like clothes. You can't expect them to be a productive or successful Grown American when you're not... Get your priorities straight then holler at your kids. Yes you can be a good parent and yet your kid go astray, but don't deny them the actual teaching or a good teachable moment or lesson. Show them the right way and from that point the choice is theirs and you no longer carry the blame if they falter. You've done your job and then it's time for them to do theirs.... #theylearnbywhattheysee #iamDrRock~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Good Morning My Friends! Here's something to think about...

Mental Note:

Many of us are trapped in our own minds and don't even know it. It is our mind and the way we think that controls pretty much everything. People with a mental illness lack the ability to think properly. But what would you think if I told you that people who live in fear of failure, or people who wake up daily feeling defeated, or people that go day by day worried about food, money, and clothing also lack the ability to think properly? Do we all have a mental illness? Is the difference between the two the ability to actually change our mindset and alter the way we think naturally or with medication? Your mind has the ability to change you and your situation. It's the way we think that traps us or sets us free..... ~Dr. Marilyn Wiley~

Monday, October 3, 2016

My Thoughts Revisited

As I get older, live from day to day, and study human behavior and thought patterns, many of the things I see and experience, that are troubling to say the least, are becoming more common place and the "norm" is starting to be whatever is "trending" or is "the fad" for that moment. As quiet as it's kept, nothing is "really" normal anymore about having respect for others, and being respectful. Nor is it normal anymore to have deep rooted morals or a sense of spirituality and religion for that matter. God? Faith? What is that?

It's so bad that if you have or share a "Word" or even quote anything from the Bible, you're either old fashioned, weird, or holier than thou, and in some cases, deemed a hypocrite if you try to live right but fall short every now and then.

Children don't respect their parents or the elderly anymore, as these days it is common place for children to even kill parents and elderly. Men don't respect women, and if the truth be told, women don't respect men anymore either. And no one cares enough to go out of their way to help others, nor themselves, as they too look for hand outs .. So where does all this lead us?? At the end of the it tells us that "No Lives Matter" in the grand scheme of things, not even the lives of little innocent babies and children. As long as there's no morals, or humanity in the world, we'll forever remain in this insanity; and as long as this insanity and lack of regard and lack of compassion remain the status quo, the human race and the "quality of life" will continue to diminish until there is no more.....#lifeIsButADream #on1 ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~