Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Damaged Goods

What I've learned:

There are some people in this world that no matter how much you want to see the good in them, you can't because they won't let you due to repeated bad and unacceptable behavior. It is those people that you have to accept the harsh reality of who they really are. Though there may be some good, the bad continuously proves to be the raging beast that overshadows any semblance of good in them.

And yes it is these people, that once they show you who they are and their true colors underneath the surface, that you must leave where you found them... Alone. Some people can and will change for the best, but others will remain the product of their destructive behavior... Damaged Goods beyond repair.... And there it is... ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Get Out

People stay in bad or unfulfilling relationships because they are still in love with "how it use to be". Once you realize whether or not there is "true" or "realistic" potential for things to be like they "use to be", you will be in a better place to make a decision on matters of the heart.

The Seed

Never judge the seed a person sows, or the gift they give. God never quantified the amount of the seed, He quantified the amount of tithes you sow. When it comes to sowing seeds, the act itself whether big or small is what activates your blessings. Try it. Those that are faithful over little He will bless them with much. Much more to receive and much more to give as He has instructed. 😉 it's not in the seed it's in the act. God loves a cheerful giver.


Aren't you tired of feeling heavy and overweight?

Some of us are very overweight due to the dead weight we are holding on to and caring around in our spirit....

Dead Relationships
Dead Friendships
Dead Weight of Other People's Problems
Dead-End Jobs and Careers
Dead-Beat People
Dead Hopes and Dreams
Dead Thoughts
Dead Motivation
Dead Finances

It's time to SHED that weight and come ALIVE!! #LifeDiet #LoseWeight #LIVE

And there it is...

Friday, October 7, 2016


People stay in bad or unfulfilling relationships because they are still in love with "how it use to be". Once you realize whether or not there is "true" or "realistic" potential for things to be like they "use to be", you will be in a better place to make a decision on matters of the heart.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Be A Kid Model

Check it:

A lot of grown people are doing a lot of childish and unspeakable things that they think are hidden but they are not. And you wonder why children are doing grown up things and mimicking the appalling and unspeakable things they witness at an early age... You can't expect your child to know how to manage money or appreciate a dollar when you don't. You can't expect them to tell the truth when they hear you lying. You can't expect your child to respect others when you don't. You can't expect your child to build meaningful relationships when you can't. You can't expect your child to grow up and be faithful to their mate when they watch you changing partners like clothes. You can't expect them to be a productive or successful Grown American when you're not... Get your priorities straight then holler at your kids. Yes you can be a good parent and yet your kid go astray, but don't deny them the actual teaching or a good teachable moment or lesson. Show them the right way and from that point the choice is theirs and you no longer carry the blame if they falter. You've done your job and then it's time for them to do theirs.... #theylearnbywhattheysee #iamDrRock~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Good Morning My Friends! Here's something to think about...

Mental Note:

Many of us are trapped in our own minds and don't even know it. It is our mind and the way we think that controls pretty much everything. People with a mental illness lack the ability to think properly. But what would you think if I told you that people who live in fear of failure, or people who wake up daily feeling defeated, or people that go day by day worried about food, money, and clothing also lack the ability to think properly? Do we all have a mental illness? Is the difference between the two the ability to actually change our mindset and alter the way we think naturally or with medication? Your mind has the ability to change you and your situation. It's the way we think that traps us or sets us free..... ~Dr. Marilyn Wiley~

Monday, October 3, 2016

My Thoughts Revisited

As I get older, live from day to day, and study human behavior and thought patterns, many of the things I see and experience, that are troubling to say the least, are becoming more common place and the "norm" is starting to be whatever is "trending" or is "the fad" for that moment. As quiet as it's kept, nothing is "really" normal anymore about having respect for others, and being respectful. Nor is it normal anymore to have deep rooted morals or a sense of spirituality and religion for that matter. God? Faith? What is that?

It's so bad that if you have or share a "Word" or even quote anything from the Bible, you're either old fashioned, weird, or holier than thou, and in some cases, deemed a hypocrite if you try to live right but fall short every now and then.

Children don't respect their parents or the elderly anymore, as these days it is common place for children to even kill parents and elderly. Men don't respect women, and if the truth be told, women don't respect men anymore either. And no one cares enough to go out of their way to help others, nor themselves, as they too look for hand outs .. So where does all this lead us?? At the end of the it tells us that "No Lives Matter" in the grand scheme of things, not even the lives of little innocent babies and children. As long as there's no morals, or humanity in the world, we'll forever remain in this insanity; and as long as this insanity and lack of regard and lack of compassion remain the status quo, the human race and the "quality of life" will continue to diminish until there is no more.....#lifeIsButADream #on1 ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

Monday, September 26, 2016

Fix it

At the end of the day:

All of us wants someone to believe and trust in, especially when it comes to having our best interest at heart. But truth be told, that's a rare jewel to find. So if you find that person, hold on tight and don't let the small things tear it apart.... Sometimes it's better to fix it than to lose it...#relationshipmatters

Monday, September 12, 2016

How Long!?

When helping people starts to hurt you, it's time reevaluate whether or not they are worth your sacrifice. If they are not worth the pain and hurt they are causing you, then it's time to pull the plug before they drain you dry... A DRY YOU can't help the others that are Worthy and in true need of help ... How long will you let them use you? How long will you allow them to run over you? How long will you continue to enable them? Pull the plug and cut the cord so they can't reconnect... #StopProvidingLoopHolesAndAwayOut #StartPromotingAccountabilityAndResponsibilityInPeople #TheyHaveToLearnSomeDay #NoMoreEnablingPeople

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Til Death Do Us Part

A loveless, lifeless marriage is a disease that gradually eats away at your soul and inner being. Being emotionally trapped in a legal and matrimonial prison that wears on your physical and mental being is a death sentence in itself, literally. Is that really the life God has for us? At some point you have to make a choice and weigh your options as to whether to stay or go. What God put together, let no man put asunder, TRUE. But did HE put it together or did YOU? Every work or act under the sun is not of Him although HE allows it to happen. If HE put it together this post would be obsolete, for nothing HE designed or orchestrated would fail or be without love...#ThinkAboutIt #DeepPost #RealTalk ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


As of 5:39 pm this evening (09/07/16), I have successfully defended and released my "boyfriend"(Mr. Dissertation), and heard the words I've been waiting 5 years and 9months to hear. "Congratulations Dr. Wiley! You did it!" by both my Chair, Dr. Gerald Nissley, and My Committee Member, Dr. Grant Rich. And with that being said, I present to you, without further ado....Dr. Marilyn Wiley!!!
I will be walking in the January Graduation Ceremony in Orlando! #CHEA #ImDone #ClinicalPsychologist #Labcoat #DrRockRamsey #AndThereItIs #FirstAfricanAmericanFemaleDoctorFromBrantleyHigh #FirstDocInTheFamily #Accomplishments

I started my PhD program on 12/07/10, ironically, and I owe this success to my Mom and her untimely demise. She took her seat in Heaven on 12/07/07. If it was not for her tragic death I would have never slowed down and finished my Master's or PhD.  Instead of being depressed, harboring anger and negative feelings, and driving myself crazy wondering about the circumstances of her loss, I put my time thoughts and energy in a positive direction. A direction that not only help me channel my hurt but also a direction that has allowed, and will continue to allow, me to help others.

I would like to say thanks to all my family, friends, and supporters, but most of all THANK YOU GOD!!! Next up is studying for and passing the AZ State Board Exam for licensure 😊😊😊 Let's Get itJames WileylMelinda WileylLatasha ReneenLaTessa YeliwlZach WileylJared WileylKennedy Salyse WilliamsaShirley ShepherdeMary WillslBelinda StreeteJackie Wiley DanielseVeronica WileylFemi Osheshe

Thursday, July 7, 2016

To Carry or Not to Carry

Final Thoughts of the Night:

As I tuck my Special Agent back into its safe place after protecting me tonight as I shut down the office to leave and go home, this thought crossed my mind....

What I thought was "my right" to live and protect myself is seeming in reality to be a reason to die or get killed. So the question now becomes "To Carry or NOT to Carry?"

It seems that a permit means nothing if your skin isn't the right shade. It seems that it is a mute point to have a license to carry a weapon to protect yourself, as it is more like a license to be killed if a cop is unsure of his/her skills and training and allow fear to pull the trigger on his service weapon.

So, what is the point of it all? Whether you have a permit or not, at the sound of one having a gun, apparently that is enough of a threat or warning to police that you just might use it... not properly or according to the law..., but to just shoot them for lack of anything left to live for. So, do you tell them you have it or do you conceal the fact that it is on your person or in your car, for fear of their possible ill-fated reaction and response? Do you let them just discover it on their own and then accuse you of plotting on them since you failed to mention having it? What? Help me here.... I'm confused...

But then I hear, as I'm driving home all of the mass destruction that's going on in the world, all at the expense of something that is supposed to be used to protect us. I know guns don't kill people by themselves, but I'm feeling some kind of way and a bit of resentment for even carrying my "Special Agent Derek Morgan" due to the uncertainty of the laws (although I took the courses), the rights, the evil, the hurt, and even the sadness that can possibly be related to it in general... I'm feeling scared to even protect myself by carrying and using the one thing that I chose for protection and that is supposedly designed to protect me....So again "To Carry or Not to Carry". #NoSecret #iCarryHeat

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Leave Those Kids Alone

Some Fathers, and don't get me wrong, Mothers too, have NO clue of the impact they have on their children. Parents have the ability to make or break a child in the simplest ways possible, that have major, life long impacts on their children. The reason I started off with Fathers is because the majority of the kids I see have more "daddy issues" than "momma issues". Not to say that one bears more blame than the other, but based on my current experiences. However, the point of the matter is this... 1. Don't take your crappy life out on kids. 2. Let kids be kids and stop including them in your grown up problems and conversations, and then get mad when they talk to you like your equal instead of your child. 3. Instead of waiting until they get out of line before you try to correct them, start teaching them early. (Trust me, I know that this doesn't always work with some of the head strong kids but it doesn't mean you give up teaching and correcting. Keep on until they get it or is able to get out). 4. Stop staying around abusive spouses that not only abuse the kids but abuse you too. 5. If you know you don't have patience, wrap it up, take a pill, abstain, or whatever you need to do to prevent yourself from harming or scarring a child for life. If you can't help'em don't hurt'em... I rather you be a deadbeat or absent in their lives than to cause them so much heartache and pain...

And there it is...... #iLoveTheKids ~Marilyn~

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Senseless Murders in Orlando

The Orlando shooting is a huge blow to humanity. Not only is it insane but my fear is that it will have a negative impact on those who are suffering with identity crisis due to their fear of coming out as gay or lesbian. I think this could prove to be a major therapeutic setback for people that fear they will be attacked if they live their truths. My hope is that this tragedy gives them strength to stand up for who they are and the life they choose to live.

This idiot committed such a heinous act because he felt he could play God and condemn, judge, and punish people that he couldn't identify with. We do not get to take lives and not suffer our own destruction and demise. I know my job is not to judge or punish people, but to help them live a healthy and happy quality of life, regardless of the lifestyle they choose to identify with. However, I'm still entitled to my opinion and this dude ain't "guano", ain't never been "guano", and will never be "guano"..... I feel that way about a lot of people but does that give me the right to massacre them... NO...#AllLivesMatter #SadDay

Monday, June 6, 2016


Peace is a beautiful kind of nothingness....

Nothing bothers you.
Nothing upsets you.
Nothing disturbs you.
Nothing moves you.
Nothing shakes you.
Nothing can change your state of mind.

Today Be at Peace... Experience a taste of a beautiful kind of nothingness and just Be..... ~Dr. Rock Ramsey ~

#HappyMondayMyFriends #4amChronicles

Sunday, June 5, 2016

I'm JUST getting in from work... Really

If you call or text me and ask what I'm doing and I say I'm just getting in from work or just walking in the door from work.... My courtesy to you is answering the phone or text in the first place, even though I'm tired and exhausted; and giving you a subtle cue phrase (I'm JUST getting home), which really means "I need a minute to decompress".

I should hope, upon finding out I JUST got home, that if its not important, that you would in turn give me the common courtesy of saying "OK I'll call you back or you call me when you get settled". Not for you to continue to talk and tell me about things that can clearly wait until later or even tomorrow. That's when I start feeling some kind of way and the tired plus angry feeling comes over me..Like REALLY! I try not to be rude but it's at that moment that I zone out and harbor attitude as you unnecessarily bend my ear.

So what are you saying.. Dr. Rock? Well from now on if I'm just walking in from work, I will not answer any calls or text until after I've had a minute to settle down and regroup.. Problem solved.... Nobody Move Nobody Get Hurt #RudeNotRude

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

What Fault is it of Mine

This is for somebody. I know it because it hit me out of nowhere....#Conviction #ReceiveIt #UseMeLord

What fault is it of mine?

It's time out for blaming others for our hurt, loss, and shortcomings....
It's time to face the blame of your actions and the role you played in whatever transpired..
No you may not have been the abuser but you stayed and endured the abuse...
No you may not have been the cheater but you stayed after the infidelity..
Yes you work hard but still broke but did you budget accordingly, do without some things in order to help you live within your means or did you decide to do what it take to get a better job with better pay.
Yes you lost your job but ask yourself how was your performance or was that the job God gave you or you just took.
Yes you did everything to save your marriage but was that marriage ordained by you and him or by God?
If we be patient and get somewhere and get quiet we can hear from God and make less of the mistakes we want to blame others for.
People can only do to us what we allow them to. Yes some things will happen beyond our control but in most situations you have a choice to be a victim or a conquerer of your circumstance or situation. Deal with you more and blame others less....
What is your part in it? What fault is it of yours? ~Dr  Rock Ramsey~

Saturday, April 16, 2016

What I've learned

What I've learned: Sometimes we cause ourselves mental anguish by not living our truths. We trap ourselves in our own minds for fear of letting people see the real us. The more we put up a facade, the more our hidden/REAL selves stay buried in our minds. It's not until we embrace who we are, love who we are, and be who we are, that we start to be free and clear of those thoughts that keeps up bound. It's not until then that we live a happy, healthy life, knowing that all the things we tried to hide were never worth hiding at all. Who knows, It might even be that you are the only one thinking and projecting those thoughts on yourself.

Moral of the story: Be yourself, be true to you, free your mind, and don't worry about what people may think. Only your thoughts of yourself count. As long as humans walk the Earth, they will judge you. That's a fact of life. So don't suffocate or trap yourself in your own mind with bad thoughts of yourself for fear of what humans may think or say.
~Changing Lives through Changing Minds ~ #DrRockRamsey