Thursday, August 14, 2014

Where Change Begins

Society wants African Americans to "act right" and be "law abiding citizens" but then when they do, it's still not enough to keep them safe. If you provoke them, and they kill them... If you provoke them and they don't react... You kill them...So now what Mr. Officer?..........You can't kill your Black President, so you kill the next best thing you can and get away with... THE BLACK MAN???

I am Black but I don't let race determine who I am or who I love. Because I love in a Godly way, I don't see color, I see people. Just as I watch the foolishness and racist acts of those killing our people, I've also watched kids of all colors, race, and creed be tormented bullied and abused. However, it's not the act of a nation, it's the act of the individual that chooses to take matters in their Own hands when they don't like or understand something. It was a great nation that elected the POTUS and past Presidents... The nation, though divided by opinion came together to do something in unison. But hatred is an individual thing that becomes a collective thing if enough people take part in it. It's not the nation that needs to change it's the individual that needs to change. Once that happens we will become 1 Great Nation under GOD and HIM alone. Then and only then will these unjustified killings of black people (men in particular) and all people end. ~Ms. Marilyn Wiley, MSPSYCH, Doctoral Candidate~

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