Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Take a Bow

Good morning my friends! Here is what's on my mind and then I have to get busy.

Know when to close the Curtains:

As we all know, every relationship has it's problems, issues, and shortcomings. However, if you make that relationship struggle your life, your social media, your home, and your world, guess what, there is no escape. You become your own issue. At a certain point and time you not only exhaust yourself, but you exhaust your audience that you share the same issues with day in and day out. There is a time and a season for everything under the sun. Some people's time and season last longer than others and I get that. But I also understand that we can control certain things as we go through our seasons. Grief HURTS, losing someone HURTS, being lied to and cheated on HURTS, being done wrong HURTS. So why continue to wallow in that hurt by reliving it every waking moment and every written post of your life. We claim that God's got it, but if the truth be told HE will never have it if you continue to give it life. Why would HE waste time erasing the pain when as soon as the eraser hits the paper you are adding more writing after the period... If it's over, let it be over. If they hurt you let it be. At some point you have to realize that your hurt is making you look just as stupid and just as bad and messy as the person that wronged you. You can't bury the hatchet and Give it to God if you leave the handle sticking up. Bury the whole thing and then confess with your mouth that HE is God all by Himself and believe in your heart that HE will take care of you. Jealous and angry outbursts and slick comments only shows the world your weakness and your pettiness. Grieve but don't grieve too long, cry but don't cry too long, be angry but don't be angry too long, hurt but don't hurt too long, struggle but don't struggle too long. Allow your season to come and go by putting it all in God's hands, not the world, not your boy or your girl, and definitely not on social media..... Christian people do Christian things at all times. If you slip OK cool, who are we to judge, but don't slip the same way next time. When you know better you do better. Get your control back and stop being the puppet on a string entertaining social media with your relationship problems. How about a round of applause and let the curtain close on that...... And there it is! ~Dr. Rock Ramsey ~ #HappyFriday😊

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