Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Before You Judge

Before I close my eyes there is one thing that I must say that I am in turmoil about... As inhumane as it may sound, and although I do not agree with it, I can see and understand why some people may say or view suicide as a selfish and cowardly act. Although it is not fair to judge a person on their tolerance and endurance for mental agony pain and suffering, it is explainable how those left behind may resort to their own selfish feelings and emotions and lash out in anger and out of hurt. They may say out of raw emotions that it was stupid, dumb, coward-like or the easy way out and may even compare their situation or situations to the person that couldn't hang on for dear life. We as humans are so quick to judge based on our own principles and morals and can't see passed the judgment factor when condemning others. So I understand both sides as I have to be objected in order to help and make sense of all involved parties and feelings. Just as we would say in a horror movie that a person was dumb or stupid because they went outside to check, that outburst was fueled by heightened excitement and emotion. The same thing happens when people die or hurt themselves. How many of us have jumped off of furniture or something and hurt ourselves and got yelled at or a spanking for getting hurt? Weird I know but true... Sympathy works both ways.. You have to sympathize with the lost and those left behind experiencing the lost. I'm sure during a flood of emotion there will be blame and there will be genuine condolences. People get mad when people die from drinking and driving (how could they be so stupid) but have known all along the person had a drinking problem. Same thing.. Alcoholism is a disease... which ultimately caused suicide in a sense.... Take that and put it with mental illness and it's a recipe for disaster.

So I wouldn't be so quick to condemn everyone that says the easy way out is cowardly. Although there are many heartless people among us some people are just overly hurt and pained and are lashing out emotionally. Know the difference if you plan to help. Find out if they are just being insensitive and malicious by saying it or if there is a deep rooted underlying issue that they haven't dealt with....

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