Monday, July 14, 2014

Speak Life

Stop giving life and recognition to your troubles. Life and death are in the Power of your own tongue.

When we give our aches, pains,  woes and hardships more attention than they deserve they manifest. They manifest in our thoughts, our moods, our health,  and our attitudes and then began to manifest and control our daily lives that could ultimately last a lifetime.

Give those things their recognition and credit but speak to them in a way that let's them know who is really in control. Many people die from illnesses because they succumb to it and give it control while losing their ability or desire to fight. When you are in distress that's your bodies way of telling you, you are doing something that is out of line with developing healthy solutions. I'm speaking on my on behalf being a chronic migraine sufferer at times. I have learned what things and behaviors causes my migraines. I have not mastered it but I know when I'm out of line.

I give my hardships, shortcomings, disappointments, problems, aches, and pains their moment and say "Ok migraine I feel ya, I know you are there. But I have stuff to do so be through already. " Then I take the necessary steps to address it and if it's not debilitating, I keep it moving.

If I'm hungry..I eat
If I'm stressed. .I de-stress
If I'm not eating healthy. .I change my eating habits
If I feel tired. .I try to exercise if it's only walking
If I feel bloated. .I stop eating those things that I know pack on the lbs.
If I'm moody or upset. .I ask the Lord to change my attitude and I start to think of positive things.

Of course it doesn't always work but I definitely try and try again.
So stop coddling the bad stuff and giving our pains and sickness life.

Inhale the Good. ..
Exhale the Bad. .
Inhale the positive energy. .
Exhale the negative energy. .
Inhale the non-toxic. .
Exhale the toxic. .

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