Friday, July 11, 2014

Protect Your Children

Just my Opinion: I think that a parent's main responsibilities are to take care of and protect their child. I'm childless but for the life of me I cannot see how a parent's every waking or even unconscious moment is not geared toward the well-being of their child, especially those that can't defend or look out for themselves rendering themselves as dependent on their mommy and daddy.

I have a pooch baby and I'm very over - protective and have even yelled at my Smokey for almost dropping her, thinking about sniping a cat for, and almost lost a friend for opening the door and letting her out. I think a kid would be even worse for me.

Brief interruption: Yeah I yelled at Smokey but I snapped back to reality and realized who i was talking to when he popped my forehead and asked "Who you think you talking to?" At the time I was 38 and still got smacked. .

Back to my story... People need to stop harming their kids and start protecting them, even if it means giving their own life as Jesus gave His for His children...

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