Sunday, June 29, 2014

People Need To Mind There Own Business

On 1 (a little heated): These humans that always have something negative to say, must have forgotten that I'm a GROWN AMERICAN, LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST, GETTING EDUCATED, NO KIDS JUST A DIVA POOCH, SINGLE, AND PAYING MY OWN BILLS and doing a mighty FINE JOB OF IT! That ALONE, entitles me to do my own thing and make my own decisions. The Lord gave me a sound mind and the ability to make informed decisions whether I do at all times or not. But for the most part, I will tell you quickly that you can judge and give your opinions all you want but you will never be able to tell me what to do in this lifetime when it comes to my personal decisions. I will take advice, I am coachable and can be educated by anyone that is an educator, but you will not make my decisions for me.

You see some people need to get somewhere and get quiet and reflect on their own lives,  where they've been and where they are trying to get to. But while doing so, also ask yourself why or what happened that has you in the place you are right now. Maybe you'll see that minding other people business instead of your own, or trying to tell others what to do instead getting your own ship tight, has left you lacking and thinking you shouldvecouldvewouldve.

Stop counting other people's pockets, getting in other people's personal business and lifestyles, and giving your opinions where they are not needed, and start investing in you. What I eat don't make you poop as I always say. Stop thinking you are more than the next person because of your material things and material thinking. Clear example, you might drive a Benz but you don't own nothing, bankrupt, and your house in foreclosure and look like tornado remains. You might be dressed to kill but your kids look thrower away. Or better yet you have gained the whole world and success but are lonely and crazy as a bat in the sunlight.

Many of you can't even get any peace in your own life because you raise so much hell in other people's lives. My personal and professional advice to you would be and is: SIT DOWN AND REEVALUATE YOU! Your opinion is not needed on everything and you definitely don't have room to judge ANYONE..So touch your nose and stop scrolling to the left. WORK ON YOU. I GOT THIS RIGHT HERE! ! ....#AndThereItIs ~Dr. Rock Ramsey ~

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