Friday, June 13, 2014

Don't Hinder Me

On Blast Early Today: Wow REALLY! People don't have nothing better to do or better to say than to try to find fault in what other people do and say. I'm a 40 yrs old grown Christian American that's been fasting most of my life and when I personally fast Noone knows. But the fast I am doing and "mentioning" is a church wide fast in which we all know we are doing and have been told to encourage others to join to see a mighty move by God. Yes, I know fasting is between you and your God technically but those are man made rules. Don't tell me what you were told, show it to me in the WORD. Prayer is communication between you and your God but many people and prayer warriors pray aloud and lead prayers for a multitude of people. You serve your God your way and I'll serve Him mine. Just know that whatever you do, don't hinder me. I can proudly say through my good and bad, I must be doing something right because I'm blessed beyond measures and He's not through with me yet. Last year I did the same fast and shared it and God showed up less than a month later. There's two things you can't do you can't tell me how to serve my God and you can't live for me. So, instead of trying to slyly call me out or correct me, how about joining our fast and see what the Lord can and will do for you darling . And there it is. .#keepingIt100% #offended #TheNerve

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