Friday, December 19, 2014

Jealousy Blocks Blessings

When you overlook the blessings of others God will overlook you. When you turn your nose up at other people's relationships and accomplishments, He's turning His nose up at you having the audacity to expect Him to bless you in your jealous state. Your lips to tight to praise Him for another's gift and your hands clinched too tight to receive your own. And you wonder why people are getting blessed around you.

It's not about the person being blessed. It's bigger than that, and you so full of hate and jealousy, that you can't even see that it's about God, and that He gets the glory. God uses other people to bless you and test you, and to show you what He can and Will do. He uses other people to show you or provide positive examples of how you too can receive blessings, first by be thankful and acknowledging His Goodness regardless of the recipient.

So when you scroll by without acknowledging other people's blessings that is God's Way of judging you and whether your heart is in the right place to receive your own blessing, or mad about how He chooses to bless other people. He's fulfilling His promises right before your eyes, but because it's not you or you don't like a person, you can't even say Amen or Look at God...God is the only one allowed to be jealous, for He said "I am a jealous God"(Exodus 34:14; Deuteronomy 6:15), and He's God alone, meaning He does not need our help in the jealousy  department.

Moral of the story: Don't miss, overlook, or block your own blessing while you are rocking and watching with green-eyed envy and by scrolling past other people's blessings without acknowledging the will and work of God. Acknowledge Him and His work and He will direct your path into your own blessings...And there it is.. #gogetyourblessing #seeTheBlessingNotThePerson ~Dr. Rock Ramsey ~

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