Monday, June 30, 2014


Good Morning My Friends!! I am glad to wake up and see that all of you are still among the living. There are so many people that did not make it and there are several more that contemplated and attempted to end it all, but are still blessed to be here. At that very moment when you feel you can't go on, trust me, there are more people out there hoping, wishing, and needing you to be strong and make it. If not for you, make it for them. They are counting on you. Don't make a selfish decision that will affect so many people...I almost lost a patient last night at their own hand. After some motivational talk ( more like fussed) and called them selfish for a bit, things were OK. But never hesitate to reach out to someone. It can save your life #liveToFightAnotherDay

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A valid question...

During a session an abuser asked me, at what point do the abused take responsibility....Weigh in bloggers... what's your thought?

Money Matters

Just my opinion:

When you are in a relationship, there should be no reason for one person to have to pull the majority of the weight financially, emotionally, or supportively speaking when there are two able bodies that can do so, unless you all have an "understanding" that that's cool with the both of you off the jump. However,  I do believe that there are some circumstances and situations where it is prematurely discussed and decided on who will be the bread winner and the home maker, but in this day and time things have shifted more to equal or dual responsibilities in the relationship. 

I can understand house husbands or housewives being an agreed upon thing, but when it is not agreed upon and one person starts to pull the weight unequivocally or unexpectedly, or one starts to slack, if your relationship is not strapped tight, this is a recipe for disaster.

In most cases, I agree that the men and women should both be able to split the responsibility and household bills, and that both should be self - sufficient to the point that if the relationship does not work, they should both be able to survive and maintain alone, but again that's my personal opinion.

I don't think that if two people are physically able to provide, that one, especially a man, should enter an engagement or "marriage" without being able to pull their weight or at least pay half of all household bills. Tradition has it that the man is supposed to be the provider, but reality proves that the number of women taking care of men, married or dating, far exceeds the number of men holding it down. And some people prefer romance over finances. But Kermit said that's none of my business.

But at any rate, before you commit, it is very important to have the "finances" conversation. No, I'm not saying exchange bank account info, or divulge how much you make, or get joint accounts. But I am saying to discuss your financial, emotional, sexual, religious, household, and supportive expectations up front and if it is not conducive to you and your lifestyle, discuss how to make it work or how to go your separate ways amicably. That is all! #knowYourLimits&Expectations ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

Take Care of the Mind

We spend the majority of our time, whether awake or asleep, thinking. Even in our subconscious our minds are flooded with random thoughts. ¿ Make sure you take time to seek mental health and balance. Too many thoughts, especially negative ones are not healthy. Stinking thinking is not good. Think positive even during the worst of times.


Make them step up to the plate or don't eat. .

People Need To Mind There Own Business

On 1 (a little heated): These humans that always have something negative to say, must have forgotten that I'm a GROWN AMERICAN, LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST, GETTING EDUCATED, NO KIDS JUST A DIVA POOCH, SINGLE, AND PAYING MY OWN BILLS and doing a mighty FINE JOB OF IT! That ALONE, entitles me to do my own thing and make my own decisions. The Lord gave me a sound mind and the ability to make informed decisions whether I do at all times or not. But for the most part, I will tell you quickly that you can judge and give your opinions all you want but you will never be able to tell me what to do in this lifetime when it comes to my personal decisions. I will take advice, I am coachable and can be educated by anyone that is an educator, but you will not make my decisions for me.

You see some people need to get somewhere and get quiet and reflect on their own lives,  where they've been and where they are trying to get to. But while doing so, also ask yourself why or what happened that has you in the place you are right now. Maybe you'll see that minding other people business instead of your own, or trying to tell others what to do instead getting your own ship tight, has left you lacking and thinking you shouldvecouldvewouldve.

Stop counting other people's pockets, getting in other people's personal business and lifestyles, and giving your opinions where they are not needed, and start investing in you. What I eat don't make you poop as I always say. Stop thinking you are more than the next person because of your material things and material thinking. Clear example, you might drive a Benz but you don't own nothing, bankrupt, and your house in foreclosure and look like tornado remains. You might be dressed to kill but your kids look thrower away. Or better yet you have gained the whole world and success but are lonely and crazy as a bat in the sunlight.

Many of you can't even get any peace in your own life because you raise so much hell in other people's lives. My personal and professional advice to you would be and is: SIT DOWN AND REEVALUATE YOU! Your opinion is not needed on everything and you definitely don't have room to judge ANYONE..So touch your nose and stop scrolling to the left. WORK ON YOU. I GOT THIS RIGHT HERE! ! ....#AndThereItIs ~Dr. Rock Ramsey ~

I love You Momma!

Call it crazy but I call it missing my Momma...

I was in Walgreens the other day and I walked by this card that stood out. Mainly because it had a black woman on it that immediately reminded me of my Momma. So I stopped and read the card and ironically, it was a birthday card for a mother. I have not looked at birthday cards for a Mother since she passed, one because I purposely avoid them and two because it's painful.

However, I was drawn to this one particular card. As I read it I actually felt like I was saying it to her and felt as if she was still here with me and listening. Needless to say, I got emotional and even though she's not with me I bought the card anyway and will keep it in remembrance of her. I love you Momma and miss you so very much! There are so many things I would love to share and talk to you about.... :-( #inMyFeelings

Thursday, June 26, 2014

What a Word

Ladies, Here’s How You Deal With A Man Who Has Trust Issues: RUN [As FAST As You Can]

By Lincoln Anthony Blades on 05/09/2012@lincolnablades

"This b*tch was on her gd*mn phone all Sunday but Imma find out who she creepin' wit!"

"B*tch! You f*^kin' a n^gg^ named Rev Jackie?! What kinda name is Rev for a n^gg^ anyways?!'s your bad baby, love you!"

There’s a very large notable difference between dating a woman with trust issues and dating a man with trust issues: Typically, dating a woman with trust issues will lead to non-stop annoyance and frustration, constantly having to answer questions that you don’t want to and engage in arguments that aren’t even anger-worthy. It gets frustrating constantly having to reassure her you’re committed and equally frustrating having to always prove your character just because she dated a DOUCHE in the past who acted the d^mn fool.

But, typically, dealing with a man with trust issues is EXPONENTIALLY more dangerous to a woman’s mental, emotional and physical health. In our modern western society, there are three types of grown-ass adults you will run into on the dating scene: 1) The Trusting [unfortunately a very small percentage], (2) The Realist [a weird combination of pessimism and optimism] and (3) The insecure, distrusting Lunatic.

As much as we all would like to be in a relationship with The Trusting person who gives us all benefit of the doubt until we prove we don’t deserve it, the fact is many of us don’t deserve to date that person, because so many of us are NOT that person our d^mn selves.

But what you don’t want to do is confuse The Realist and The Lunatic, because they are very different in their own ways despite the few similarities. See, The Realist is the person who doesn’t overcommit in one way or the other, because they know and understand the reality of cheating, so they hope for the best but prepare for the worst. The Lunatic, on the other hand, is incredibly insane because they really feel like they can CONTROL the cheating from ever happening [where The Realist resigns themselves to the fact it can happen no matter what they do], but even worse, people with trust issues are severely unequipped with dealing with the mere IDEA that cheating is going on – and when MEN act like this to their women, they can be EXTREMELY VOLATILE.

So, ladies, do NOT try and put up with men with trust issues – just RUN – and here’s a few reasons WHY: When Dating A Man With Trust Issues, You Are ONE Step Away From Getting Your ASS Beat. Insecure men are not good at handling emotional pain and mental disappointment. When a man gets his heart broken by finding out HIS woman let another man slide between her thighs, it leaves him emotionally destroyed – and the worst part about being wrecked that way is there is NO real way to return the pain in-kind. These men become insecure and when YOUR happy ass comes strolling along full of sunshine, flowers and lollipops and lures his heart into the zone he thought he would never go again [LOVE] he will go CRAZY at the idea you may be cheating. And that pain and disrespect that he CANNOT return in-kind emotionally, will become something he will want to return PHYSICALLY with his wannabe Anderson Silva punk-ass. "I knew your bougie high-yella ass was triflin' as hell.."

When Dating A Man With Trust Issues, Understand He Is Not OVER or PAST His Ex. I wrote THIS article on this site a while back to explain how someone’s feeling for their ex can affect their current relationship EVEN if they no longer want to be with that person anymore. Ladies, a man with severe trust issues has NOT let go of his past and there’s not a DAMN thing you can do to help him. You can be as loyal and as faithful as you want, but he will ALWAYS feel like you are up to something. You can spend 23 hours in one day with him and spend 1 hour going to Shoppers Drug Mart or Walgreens to buy condoms for HIM to use on YOU, and he will STILL want to check your phone like “so….who keeps texting you?!”

When Dating A Man With Trust Issues, Accept That He’s PROBABLY Cheating On You RIGHT NOW. Here’s the funniest thing about dudes with trust issues and insecurities: Even though he has NOT caught you in the act, the mere fact that he has allowed crazy ideas of infidelity to infiltrate his mind has given him JUST CAUSE to go out and get NEW NANI. This is his method of self-defense for his potentially shattered-ego: ‘Show that b*tch that I can get some ratchet p*ssy too!’ In fact, here’s ANOTHER funny thing about dudes with trust issues: Some dudes who CONSTANTLY cheat on their women [regardless of whether they thought she was cheating or not] will start to not trust their girl simply because THEY are doing wrong sh*t. But the main take away from all of this boils down to one simple ideology: You can NOT change a man with trust issues no matter HOW “good” you act. Some men will eventually grow out of it and some won’t, but your best bet is waiting to see how he turns out – just NOT together. This Is Your Conscience.....

- See more at:

Interesting Read

The Economic Reason Casual Sex Is Occurring More Than Marriage

By Lincoln Anthony Blades on 06/20/2014@lincolnablades

About a week ago, I came across a video titled “The Economics of Sex,” which attempts to explain why more and more couples are getting married later on in life — if at all. To sum it up, the maker of the video, The Austin Institute, essentially attributes the rise in premarital sex to the decline of marriage. The argument is predicated on the notion that too many women are “giving it away” so quickly that it has decimated the necessity of a lifetime commitment. Then, there is a clever incorporation of the supply-and-demand economic theory that is used to explain why men can continually chase sex without commitment. In the end, The Austin Institutes’ point is that if women engaged in far less premarital sex, men would have to court longer and harder because our natural urge for sex would enable us to acquiesce to our woman’s demand to be married. Besides the fact that this sounds horrifically Orwellian, the truth is that this video has missed the mark in many ways. Forget “The Economics of Sex,” I think the maker of the video should have taken more time to investigate “The Economy of Marriage” – which is what I will do right now.

First off, let’s get something completely clear: Throughout history, marriage has always been a step predicated off a culture’s conceptualization of preparedness. In modern Western Society, that step has become defined by one’s ability not only to love and protect, but to financially provide security. The prevalent reality of the world we live in today is that the step towards “having your shit together” is taking far longer than it ever has at any other time in recent history. This means marriage is getting delayed because economic realities are demanding more from singles and couples than ever before, and that strain is real economics that this video is missing.

But instead of me rambling on, let’s take a trip down history lane and examine how a young man (like I once was), would deal with marriage in 1964 versus the reality in 2014.

To read the FULL ARTICLE, click the link:

- See more at:

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Why Pray Then Worry

When you REALLY know God and what He's capable of, you think about worrying but then change your negative mindset to a positive one.

When you really DON'T know God and are just pretending to know Him, you worry and let worrying change your positives into negatives.

BASICALLY: Happy people don't worry because they know Him. Unhappy people worry because they don't know Him. #WaitForIt #Deep ~ Dr. Rock Ramsey ~

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Feeling Used?

People take advantage of those of us with a big heart. Most times it's those closest to you or that you think you know that use you the most. You just keep being kind and all those people that have and will wrong you will get what they deserve while you continue to prosper. Your blessing comes from how you treat others not from how they treat you.

Those that are taking you for granted are the ones that's losing. You are a blessing to know and just because people take you for granted does not mean you are losing. When you recognize your worth, those that use you will no longer be in your circle. Choose wisely who you go all out for but continue to be kind to everyone.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Arguing Is Ok

Relationship Advice:

It is ok and perfectly normal to have a healthy argument. Arguments are away to show your disapproval, your objection to something, and to rid yourself of budding and existing pinned up emotions and hostility. It is better out than in. When you hold negative emotions inside, eventually you will explode and say the wrong things and hurtful things you can't take back. However, when you do argue, understand that there is a healthy way to do it (in my Keith Sweat voice. .There's a right and a wrong way to fuss at somebody). OK I digressed, back to being serious. But lastly, stop thinking that because you had a HEALTHY argument that your relationships are over, be it a friendship, courtship (dating), marriage, or family relations. If the argument is healthy it only makes the relationship stronger and better. If an argument ruins your relationship either 1) it wasn't genuine from the start, 2) you don't know how to convey your point in a meaningful manner, 3) the one you are arguing with doesn't know how to convey their point in a meaningful manner, and 4) your relationship was already nearing it's demise prior to the argument anyway.......~Dr. Rock Ramsey~ #argumentsDontEndRealRelationships your actions do. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Love Doesn't Hurt

Today in supervision Dr.Bayless asked the question. . If you date people or marry people in order to feel loved or be loved by them, then why do you hit them? Hitting or hurting people make them not care for you or love you. So aren't you defeating  the purpose? No one wants to be beat or hurt for love or even to prove they love you. #StopDomesticViolence

Friday, June 13, 2014

Yeah That

Marilyn Wiley (101) in a Nutshell ...
Wow. .I figured that to know me is the way to loving me. Take me as I Am. MUST share...#thisSumsMeUpPerfectly

A Complete Characteristics Profile of Scorpio Woman

Scorpio Woman

The beauty of a Scorpio woman is exceptional, mysterious and totally magnetic. She knows that and is proud of herself. She appears to be "forever young" well into her seasoned years. She will control her wish to dominate and will let a man lead in a relationship, atleast during courtship. She knows how to hypnotize a man and gets successful, more often than not. Don't expect a Scorpio female to rush into your arms in front of a thousand people and shout her feelings at the top of her voice. Instead, she will come close to you, glance at you in a sensual way and whisper the most romantic words in a seductive tone. 

If you are not sincere with your feelings, don't even try to get close to a Scorpio girl. With those beautiful, penetrating eyes of hers, she can read exactly what is on your mind. She can easily make out your real intentions, so Don't Flirt. It will amount to insulting her and I assure you, insulting her is not at all good for your health. Even when her tone is soothing, her disposition kind and her smile generous, she can be planning the most powerful retaliation. When a Scorpio woman is insulted or gets hurt, her fury knows no bounds. 

Then, she can become the most hard-hearted and most sarcastic person on this earth. If she loves with fierce devotion, she hates with devastating malice. If you are really in love with her, then you need to know more about her. She has a very hypnotic gaze and the moment her eyes meet your, you will go tumbling down in her deep passion. Being noticed by a Scorpio female definitely gives a boost to a man's ego. She needs a man who is stronger than she is and weakness in him won't get her sympathy at all. 

He will be expected to behave like a real man, who can dominate her and make her proud. At the same time, he should respect her individuality. He should be better looking than average, with an intellect, philosophical and totally masculine. He must also be ambitious and able to handle tough situation with poise. After she gets committed, a Scorpio female will shower you with all her love and attention. Her whole life will start revolving around you and she will be extremely loyal and exceedingly passionate. 

She is passionate with everything that is related to her. It is almost impossible for her to have neutral feelings. Either she will deeply cherish or fiercely hate. If any of the feelings are not experienced, she will become completely indifferent towards it. Scorpio women, however, never let these feelings show. Her expression will always remain neutral, betraying nothing. Her anger is very bad and it's better to get out of her way when it gets out of hand. Her characteristics profile will make her storehouse of secrets, but people wouldn't know any of hers.

Her personal life will be out of bounds for everyone. At the same time, she will never tell the secrets that have been confided in her, not even to you. Even with you, she will have a private part and its better not to pry. That does not mean she is dishonest. Infact, she will be so brutally honest that, at times, she may hurt people in the process. Like a typical Scorpio, she will choose her friends very carefully and the credible ones will remain with her throughout her life. She will never maintain a relationship with unworthy people. If so, only but for so long until she figures out how to distance you.

Determination and will power are her basic personality traits. She can use them anytime to comeout of anything that is negative. If you have been able to win the true love of a Scorpio female, you can be sure you will never feel lonely again. She will be totally devoted to you and even if you two don't get married for any reasons beyond your control, her love for you will not change. She is one of those who believe in the phrase 'Till Death Do Us Apart'. Rather than overshadowing her husband, she believes in supporting him.

'Behind every successful man, there is a woman'; this idiom is perfect in case of the husband who has a Scorpio wife. For her, the future, the happiness and the dreams of her husband hold the supreme importance. She will always defend him fiercely in public and won't take nicely to anyone taking advantage of him. She will always encourage him to reach for the stars, build his courage and never let him turn back from midway. Scorpio women love their homes and keep them spic and span. Her family values and religious beliefs are strong and like no other. She posses discernment and psychological abilities that aid in her helping others and confirmation of her own decision making. Some may say scary, but many find intriguingly amazing.

Now comes the dangerous part. A Scorpio girl is extremely jealous and fiercely possessive of her loved ones. She is prone to suspicions; so don't give reasons to be doubtful of you. On the other hand, you will have to control your jealousy, since she will be attracting a lot of members of the opposite sex. She also dislikes being possessed by anyone, including you. In such a scenario, just remember that a Scorpio woman will always be loyal and devoted to you, even in the worst of circumstances. However, she will defend herself and the ones she love to no end.

And then, you know you cannot leave her and it is better to adjust to such a trifle thing. Nobody walks away from a Scorpio, right? As far as money is concerned, she will enjoy it whether she saves it in a piggy bank or splurges it on luxurious things. She is very conscious of her social standards and will never compromise in case of status. She likes power and will sacrifice money and many other things for it. She seems to be very practical, but inside she is very emotional. Like all Scorpios, she will not see any viewpoint in case of her own emotions.

A Scorpio female has a sense of fairness and justice. She has no problem calling a spade a spade. If you don't wish her good morning one dayafter a fight, she will do the same for the next four days. The same goes for generosity also. If you do one kind deed for her, she will do four in return. As a mother, she will extremely possessive of her children and will care for them. However, she may not express her love openly and this is something you will have to teach her. She will make them independent, fair, strong and proud of themselves, the way she is of them. She will encourage them to develop their innate talents and make sure they don't go unnoticed. 

A Scorpio woman can drown you in her passion. But then, she can also bring you to safety when the raft becomes too dicey. She can provide you her calm and steady support in the worst of circumstances. Once you win her love, you will never be lonely again. Your food will be perfectly baked and she will grind fresh coffee for you. You will always come back to a spotless home, radiating with the aura of her magnetic personality, the charm of her deep beauty and the warmth of her everlasting love!

Know Thyself

What I learned about myself in church:

I'm good but I haven't always been in this way. So if I go broke I'll still be good because I have been there before and I dealt with it and survived. We get down when we are broke or fearing becoming broke. If You Are already broke you don't have to worry about going broke. Be good at being broke because those who are faithful over little He will make faithful over much. . . I am good with little and good with much and faithful for it because it all comes from the Lord!!

The Devil is a Liar

Devil I'm sorry but you can't have me and no we can't be friends. You get me in a lot of trouble and you can't get me out, nor do you try to. Yes, I understand you're not a lawyer in the court room but still. ....You try to keep me in a rut instead making a way for me. You are not a provider and I can't deal. ..I'm too much for you to handle, I have many wants and needs and basically you can't afford me, with your "no riches" having behind. . .You are not equipped to deal with me and my many emotional issues and physical illnesses and concerns. It's not like you are a doctor in the sick room or anything.  . And last but not least you don't have AC..I like hot weather but I like to be able to cool off when I get too hot. You don't really love or care for me and my well being so keep it moving please I don't have time for your trickery and foolery.. Not now.. Not EVER! #LooseMe ~Marilyn

Single Single Life

What being Single Means to Me:

Of 1 body, one soul, one mind. Stand alone, unique, solely one, alone, singular, just one. Doing things that only requires one decision, one choice, one consideration. No significant other. Do for oneself, being with one self, learning knowing loving living and providing for oneself. If you are going to continue to do single things it's probably best that you stay single.

No Grooming Necessary

STOP THE PRESS...I have heard it all so I'm going to put this out there for the free:

At my age I do not want a man that I have to train or groom into being, not only what I desire, but what he should already be by now. If he's my age he's lived long enough to know the do's and don'ts of a good relationship and how to be an established and well suited and situated man that has and can hold and handle his own. It does not look good for a man to be asking a woman for money, especially if they are not even together or down like that. Yes it's OK for a woman to help a man but for me there are requirements that must be met. You can determine your own requirements when it's your money. But anyway at some point you have to do something different to provide or make some changes to your comfort zone to live the lifestyle you want.(But that's another topic for later). If your momma, the streets, life experiences and past relationships didn't teach you how to be a man and the things a woman like and dislike, then clearly God has not prepared you for me, or either, you haven't asked me the right questions to know  or find out what I like. Maybe you need to stop inquiring about "what I'm doing and what I'm wearing", and ask more pertinent questions to help you learn and define my character, my wants, and my needs in a relationship and I'll oblige.

If you don't know how to open your mouth and communicate and ask questions that are important for you to know then stop right there, because you can't know my likes and dislikes based on trial and error only, because that trial and error may cost you the opportunity to get to know me better.

Adults are too old to be assuming and guessing things. My life and career is centered around picking people's brains and figuring out their thought process. . This is not what I want to do in my personal or intimate relationships when I final engage in one. If I ask a question just answer it. If you don't want me to know just say that.

I am single by choice because my tolerance for foolishness, people being inconsiderate, disrespectful,  and having a lack of regard for loyalty, trust, and monogamy in relationships, is at an all time low. People play games or use the fact that they didn't know something as an excuse for poor choices and stupid mistakes. We are all human and mistakes will happen but when you have the ability to prevent or correct a mistake and don't, you get.. nor do you deserve forgiveness or respect for that matter.

Life is what you make it. Relationships are what you make it. What you put in, you get out. What you get out should be as equal as the effort you put in.

I will not accept sub par behavior from anyone based on "I didn't know" or "they never tried". Just as other people's time is precious and valuable.. so is mine.  Just like other people want respect, so do I.

I will continue to be single and cool with it until the man that does not need to be coached on how to be a good man comes along sent via God himself. If you know you are not right and you know you are no good for me or anyone else, the best way to show you care is to walk away instead of trying to fumble innocent hearts.

For me, if you are not Godly marriage material don't block my view or my blessing. . That won't prosper me or you...As I pray for a mate suitable for me, I pray God makes me marriage material at its best. It's a two-way Street and effort on both parts.

NOW. .Will the real marriage material please stand up! And the game players take several stadiums full of seats. #WowReallyDude #AndStayOutMyInboxWithThatFoolishness #OnBlast

Scared Straight

Confession: I scared a kid to death. It was all with good intentions and I didn't lie to him. The key is to remain honest and be effective when trying to get a desired behavioral outcome.

Case and point....I told a 4yr old if he keeps using bad language and hitting others, something really really bad was going to happen. .(that was the truth)... The kid said he wasn't scared of any "really really" bad stuff happening to him. So I said "are you sure you're not afraid of nothing?" He said "walking dead people. I don't want to die because I don't want to be one of them"..I said "hmmmmm okay.. Well remember when I said something really really bad would happen if you don't stop saying bad words and hitting?"...He said "yeah what?" I said in a sad but matter of fact way. .. YOU'RE GONNA DIE!!.....He was TERRIFIED!!!

Welp needless to say. . He told his momma on me at the end of the session....oooooooo I'm in trouble...NOT

She looked at him very seriously and said yes she's right so what are you going to do so you don't die? He was so upset he didn't want to talk anymore and I didn't force him. But anyway, I told this story because mom called yesterday and said he hasn't used any bad words or been fighting, that she knows of, and he constantly reminds her that if you say bad words you're going to die...HAHAHA.....#SCORE...#ScaredStraightItellya

Sad but True

Taking a mental break. . Tired of scholarly writing but still thinking.

This goes for everyone, but African Americans especially... This might offend some of you but that's OK it won't kill you....

Anyway, we need to stop denying the fact that the so-called "nervous break downs", "troubled kids", and aunts and uncles in the back rooms that talk to themselves are really plagued with undiagnosed mental diseases and disorders. We are quick to call these individuals crazy, demon possessed, bad, dope-heads, and drug addicts instead of getting them help to determine whether they can be clinical diagnosed and treated. There is no need to perform an exorcism on a child or adult who is schizophrenic or have multiple personalities. You can't beat the bad out of a kid that is suffering from Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and you can't judge a drug addict for using drugs to deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for a tragic event that left them hopeless and Depressed.

However, we need to stop taking for granted that there is help out there for our mental health and well-being. Seeing a therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist does not mean you are crazy, weak, or don't believe in God. It simply means you need a sounding board, a confident, a life coach that you can vent to and sort out your thoughts with. I have my own and I tell you it really beats telling all my problems to fb and humans who are going to judge me and spread all my business to the next listening ear. I love God and is a firm believer that HE will work everything out for my good, but I also take advantage of having an Earthly ear that will listen and give me feedback when needed and just listen when needed. Two heads are better than one when it comes to sorting out all the things going on in one's head. .

Stop hiding our people with mental issues and stop thinking mental treatment makes you weak. Suicide rates are lowest among African Americans, and even lower among African American Women of all ethnic and gender groups, but it is still on the rise. With as many resources that are available it should be declining instead....#MyThoughts #StillWriting #ForTheFree ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

Don't Hinder Me

On Blast Early Today: Wow REALLY! People don't have nothing better to do or better to say than to try to find fault in what other people do and say. I'm a 40 yrs old grown Christian American that's been fasting most of my life and when I personally fast Noone knows. But the fast I am doing and "mentioning" is a church wide fast in which we all know we are doing and have been told to encourage others to join to see a mighty move by God. Yes, I know fasting is between you and your God technically but those are man made rules. Don't tell me what you were told, show it to me in the WORD. Prayer is communication between you and your God but many people and prayer warriors pray aloud and lead prayers for a multitude of people. You serve your God your way and I'll serve Him mine. Just know that whatever you do, don't hinder me. I can proudly say through my good and bad, I must be doing something right because I'm blessed beyond measures and He's not through with me yet. Last year I did the same fast and shared it and God showed up less than a month later. There's two things you can't do you can't tell me how to serve my God and you can't live for me. So, instead of trying to slyly call me out or correct me, how about joining our fast and see what the Lord can and will do for you darling . And there it is. .#keepingIt100% #offended #TheNerve

Favor Ain't Fair


Remember when I always say that little acts of kindness never goes unnoticed by God? Well here is my huge testimony for the New Year.
I normally don't share the good things I do, but I think it is in order today. On Christmas Eve when I went to get my first set of shots, the credit card machine at the AZ Pain Center was not working so they asked me if I could pay in cash or if they could bill me later. Well I paid in cash and sat back down. Another patient, a middle - aged Caucasian American male, came in shortly thereafter and when they came to take him back they gave him the same spill about his copay.  He said he didn't have cash so bill him. It was only he and I in the lobby and after they took him back I paid - it - forward and paid his $20 copay in cash for him. The receptionist was shocked and was almost in tears and asked could she let him know what i did and I told her sure after he comes from his procedure but no thanks was necessary.

Well today I go online to pay my mortgage and it tells me it has been paid! I'm like huh? This is certainly a mistake. ... So I call Wells Fargo and sure enough they informed me that I made 2 payments in March of last year and November of the previous year and that I've overpaid and their system caught it. .. I'm still like are you sure lady? She said yes. We will print it out and send it to you. I didn't argue or inquire anymore. But for the life of me I can't Remember over paying or paying a bill twice in my life EVER! !And for those amounts I'm sure I would have noticed or caught it by now! :/ BUT THANK YOU GOD. .FAVOR AIN'T FAIR!!! #paidItForward #actOfKindness  #TrulyBlessed

The Air We Breathe

The air we breathe:

Sometimes the air we breathe becomes toxic due to our own doing. The negative feelings we harbor, the toxic company we keep, and the polluted thoughts we are exposed to can restrict our clean air supply quicker than we can apply an oxygen mask. It's time to cut off some of those meaningless toxins, that thrive on us being their lifelines, before they cut off our air supply completely without even attempting to return the favor and resuscitate us with the air we once breathed.....

Toxic people, thoughts, and feelings are killing us slowly through the unclean air we breathe..the air we share...the air we need.....

Sometimes you need to cut off people's oxygen supply in order to breathe yourself and allow them to breathe on their own.  There is a difference between being a lifeline and an in-abler.....#Ichoose2breatheAgain #ApplyingMyOxygenMask1st #DEEP ~Marilyn~

BCS Game

Grabs the Mic: I have been reading some very mean and disturbing things being said about Auburn and a lot of taunting of their fans. As a Grown American I can say that I feel that some of them need to just "SHET" UP! (shut up)...As a fan of not one but 2 Champion teams. .I am a witness and I know that the 2 BEST teams played in the Championship Game. I've watched both teams Excel over the season and I can argue with the best of them about football and stats but it's really not necessary. .As a Seminole, Auburn is the only team that put fear in my heart when it came to a possible loss and last night proved I had a reason for my temporary fear. Two Champions played and the only thing that distinguishes the two is the SHIP and the final score. They were both extremely good but one had to and only could WIN. The Noles persevered against tremendous defense and offense and time was on their side. Truth be told and Quite as it's kept last night was no easy win. .IT WAS A DAGGUM WAR as I predicted.

No slight to other teams. You all were Champions in your season but please accept this was not your season. It doesn't mean your team wasn't good it just means that you have to work harder in the new Season if you want your season to come around again. But in the end remember"The Same Thing That Makes You Laugh Makes You Cry" so be mindful what you say and how you taunt others. Just like you had a time to win, you also have a time to lose. We've all been there and done that. . .

*drops the mic and exits the stage. ..~World's Greatest Nole~

It's not About You

Is it just me that wants to stop people in the middle of conversation sometimes and say...

"You know what? It Ain't ALL about YOU ALL the time nor is it ALL about YOUR PROBLEMS (which 9 times out of 10 you created), and it's not about what you have or what you CLAIM you are going to get so just SHUT UP..You said the same things at the beginning of last year and you are still in the same spot, doing the same thing, telling the same lies, and running the same scams, and playing the same games. Just get over yourself why don't you"?......

I know I know... I wouldn't dare tell anyone that. .. But I've thought about it though ROTFLMAO. ...Don't talk about it, be about it.....#GetOffMyPhone #lesstalking #moreListening #moreDoing #puhleeze #AmIwrong?

Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

Are Y'All Ready For This: (on break grabbing the mic)

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Tis' is not the season nor is people's FB Inbox the place to be soliciting for, begging for, or asking to borrow money from people that you hardly know or from your so-called "as you need them" friends. It's never really appropriate but if you don't know people or even socialize with them, or better yet, don't even have access to their personal contact information other than social media, then you certainly should not have the gall or audacity to be asking them for anything but prayers. If you passed by their comments, post, and pics, and heck even passed by them in person and did not Acknowledge in any shape form or fashion then keep it moving passed their Inbox. . It's only right. It's time to Stop using people, especially those with giving hearts that will possibly do anything to help without you lying and scamming. Come on Grown Americans. ...

And I'm not going to leave out those of you that put your plans in motion weeks before you "pop the big question" by commenting and liking everything your target person posts. Just because you take the time to set the stage and put your plan in motion and then stay in contact a few weeks after, does not mean your game hasn't been peeped as well. I've been hood-winked and bamboozled by the scheme many times but when you learn and you know better... you guessed it. .. you do better! But it doesn't stop there, then you teach those that might be subjected to such Foolery as you were. Each one teach one and so forth. ... I'm trying to help you here.

Some of you will hate me for this post and some will appreciate it. . But at the end of the day this was my story, And I'm sticking to it! I got "Got" and I'm still taking the lesson behind falling for the schemes.... Never Again. If they can't knock on your door or call your home number with a genuine need and a genuine plan to repay you. .DON'T DO IT!! (Drops the mic and exits the stage because I can) #CREDITCHECKS #BACKGROUNDCHECKS #GENUINENEEDCHECKS #INTENDEDPURPOSECHECKS  #CONTRACTSIGNED
YOU'VE BEEN CHECKED!!  #1HundredAsItsKept #TheyMadTo day


Gone But Not Gone:  The memory of 6yrs ago today will forever be etched in my heart, soul, and mind as it was the most tragic day of my life to date. Though you are gone, you're really NOT gone, because I carry your spirit, your blood, and many characteristics of you every second of every day. Without you, there would be no me. My hopes, my dreams, my desires would all be null and void if I didn't hear your still voice saying.."Well Do It Then Marilyn Wiley" with that proudful look in your eyes. When I think of that look and smile, I know I have to "keep on keeping on" until my work here is done and I can see and hear you and the Most High say "Well Done". My Life, My Determination, My Desire to help others, and most of all My Happiness comes from knowing that my Success would make you and Smokey proud! I love you, Momma... Continue to drink your coffee and watch how my life unfolds. Hopefully you'll be proud (~_~)... Sit back and Enjoy the Show and Rest In Paradise Sallie Sunshine~ 12-07-07~ #ToKnowJusticeIsToKnowPeace #NoClosureButItsOnTheWay #ThatsForSure #RestAssuredWeKnow #Subliminal

Shhhhhhh Sometimes

On 1: Sometimes even though we see or notice things, it's ok not to say anything or express our opinions. It is also ok to be picky without being overly critical or opinionated toward others. Everyone doesn't have a strong personality that can take your critical and belittling and overly critical remarks and comments. Delivery is everything. If your comments are genuine and comes from a genuine place then you will know how, and take the time to deliver your comments in a none hurtful and none offensive manner while keeping the persons feelings in tact.

If it is genuine, it will be taken as such. There are many rude people with little to no tact that feel it is necessary to voice their "not needed" opinions and most of the time they are to self-absorbed that they don't even realize they have just offended someone and don't realize that they have fallen short of being perfect themselves.
The moral of the story is even though you notice things sometimes you need to get somewhere and get quiet and keep your criticism to yourself. Be picky if you choose, but be QUIET if what you say is more of a negative opinion than a helpful solution. And if you must share your opinion, practice and consider how to deliver your critique appropriately and with couth. Misguided words lead to hurt feelings people. Stop being sooo RUDE... . That is all....~Dr. Rock Ramsey~


Everybody knows what it means to grow but not everyone know how to grow.  First you need to be in direct Son-light to receive food to live by. Then you must receive water or fresh rain from above. Cut off all weed that s choking you. Stop sniping at other's brown leaves and prune your own. Be Prepared to lose a few leaves and stems but don't disturb the foundation as that's what keeps you grounded and rooted. Removing those things that are dead or withered makes room for newgrowth. Replace the bad seeds with good seeds. Bad can only kill the good or produce more bad. Fertilize your life with good manure and leave the bad manure to the birds. Yes all manure stink, but the good kind prepare you and provide you with what you need to survive and learn a lesson of persevering through it all to reach ultimate measures of growth.  Clean fresh air after the struggle through the funk is priceless. It is then that you know you have grown up and out of a stinky situation.
In the end you must plant good seed so that you multiply and spread the miracle of growth.

Character Building?

Dr. Rock's Character Building Moment: At the end of the day, it's not how many people are feelings you can hurt, but its how many people you can make smile or make their day brighter. Sometimes we get so caught up in how we feel that we forget that others have feelings too. Everything that we are big and bad enough to say, maybe sometimes we shouldn't say it. Many times you are saying the stuff about someone instead of to them and neither is that Ok. You never know what emotional state someone is in and you just might say that very thing to push them over the edge. Living is not about how many people you can hurt or say mean things to. It's about knowing at the end of the day that you've done something or said something to make someone's life easier and life worth living. Chances are if you're rude behavior and you're rude remark would hurt you if someone said it to you then 9 times outta 10 it hurts the people that you say it to. You see it's one thing about human emotions we all have them. We may experience those emotions at different times but the magnitude of those emotions plays out the same for everyone. Sad is sad, mad is mad, happy is happy, and hurt feelings are hurt feelings. Stop living your life to be mean rude and harsh to others, i.e. family, friends, or strangers, and try being loving caring and encouraging. I've learned that there are some things that I can't take back, but I have also learned that my good deeds I don't have to worry about getting them back. Stop focusing on the bad in people and things, and learn to roll with the punches and make the best of it. What you say and how you say it does effect people. Be it good or be it bad there is an effect. Negative people it's not really about you, but you have tricked yourself into being and believing you are so important that everything has to be about you. Stop and think , do the things you say to people build them up or break them down? If it is to break them down, guess what that's because you're already at the bottom waiting for them. Misery loves company while most good deeds fly solo... Start thinking about what you do and what you say and how you say it to others. Check yourself. .. That is all!!! ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

Happy and Sad

How can you be happy when you know others are sad?

It's not easy, but it's Ok. . See, At times when some are happy, others are sad. At times some are laughing while others are crying. But know that seasons change, momentum shifts, and tables turn. Everyone of us will have joy as sure as we all will have pain, but it all depends on what you do, what you learn, and how you act during all of those times that defines you and build your character. However,  through it all never lose your self dignity, self worth, or self respect. Relish in your moment but Don't boast or brag and don't wallow in pity and "woe is me" too long because it could become a permanent you...People will have something to say no matter what your season is. So, Laugh, cry be happy, or sad..all of that. . It's called emotional balance.. But through it All...Know this too shall pass Be it good or bad and you will come out just fine...#life'sCycle #embraceYOURseason ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

Multiple Personalities or Nah?

Multiple Personality Disorder: Sitting here reading through some notes on a patient diagnosed with MPD. The patient explained that for each emotion there is a personality and a name to fit it. When each feeling or emotion is present a different demeanor or action is exhibited and they become that person. Hmmmmm...I'm thinking.... well is it possible that we all have multiple personalities, maybe even with or without names. Like 3 or 4 people living within us? Myself for example. .when I'm happy I act happy, when I'm sad I act sad, when I'm mad Ms. Ratchet comes out, when I'm philosophical Dr. Rock comes out, when I'm out with friends and I don't want to be bothered by dudes "Cindy" comes out, when I'm around my siblings Silly comes out, when I'm at work, serious Marilyn comes out. When I'm with EhzMae, Momma comes out lol . And on and on. . Again multiple personalities with or w/o names right? . . What's in a name? A clinical diagnoses perhaps? Clearly there are elevating circumstances that warrants a clinical diagnoses but before you judge or pick at those that have been diagnosed, maybe you should self assess yourself... Mental Illnesses are REAL and MOST go undetected. ....

What you think don't count

What God KNOWS about me means more to me than what people THINK about me :-)


What I'm thinking: I cannot expect people to relate to something that they have no connection with. I cannot expect a person to understand my intense emotions on race relations if they have never experienced racism. People are only passionate or emotionally charged about those things that they can connect to or with in some way. If you can't relate you can't connect and if you can't connect, you may understand the concept, but can never truly understand the principles of the matter. For example, if I've never had a broken bone I cannot tell a person with a broken leg I know how they feel. Non-African American women should not be able to judge a racially charged situation if they cannot connect to racism or understand the struggle that defines it, unless on the other hand, you were taught racism, which is what it all boils down to, a learned behavior. Only those that can identify with being a racist or have been subjected to racism or racial matters can decide whether a situation wreaks of racism. Call it bias....perhaps. But you are to be judged by a jury of your peers. Even so, five of the six were not even Zimmerman's race. How can I tell you what something looks like if I never seen it? Or better yet experienced it? You can't poll 100 men about how it feels to be pregnant and call their responses proven, accurate, and valid points. The jurors went with what they knew and obviously what they knew wasn't much about racial profiling or race relations. I'm not mad at them for not being able to identify or distinguish among something they don't know about or not able to connect with, but I am mad at the judicial system that picked that bunch of Americans. But then in again I can't be mad at the ones who picked them because none of them were of color so guess what. . they can't CONNECT EITHER!! I would have loved to see African Americans on the prosecution team just like the one on the defense. .. #MAJORDISCONNECT


It's the thrill of the hunt or being hunted. People like to be a Challenge or create one instead of just being satisfied with the fact that someone just genuinely love and care for them. People these days are ungrateful and a world of promiscuity has caused that. Because people can pick and choose from married or unmarried groups of people there is no boundaries anymore and a lack of appreciation for real and true love. . They rather play games with many than be real to one. .. keep being you and keep your morals. God will send that one that thinks and feel the same way you do. Love you and don't lose yourself behind ungrateful people. .

Cry Baby Cry

Crying has never hurt anybody. Just like all other emotions warrants a reaction, like smiling when happy or frowning when mad,  so does hurt and sadness. Crying does not cause the hurt but the hurt causes crying. Crying just gives balance and a way to purge ourselves from negative emotions.

So the moral of the story is it's Ok for people, especially kids to cry sometimes. It will not kill them. Let them cry and get it out and over with. There is nothing wrong with a good cry every now and then, actually it's healthy and can result in a good nap :)

My Skin Won't Get Me In

My Sermon for Today:

News Flash....MY SKIN WON'T GET ME IN!!!!!

First giving honor to God and second to those who read this.
But anyway, I won't hold you long,  but due to such comments as made on the attached IG post and other text and Inbox messages I've received such as, "you going to church with the tat out and OMG you have tattoos, and I can't believe you got tats, and etc. I felt it necessary to let you know. .It's not my skin that will get me in, so why not let my body art show. Whether I cover it or not, God knows it's there and I am not concerned with what my fellow humans have to say about my adult choices. Yeah the Bible said.. .. but the Bible also said thou shalt not judge, fornicate, kill, sleep with married people, get drunk or high, and all that other stuff some of us try to hide. Hiding things does not negate the fact that it's there. Pick your poison and I'll pick mine but I promise God will see my Good and my Genuine heart before he sees the skin I'm in. So instead of worrying about this Grown American and her love for body art, worry about removing those character stains that you are trying to hide, yet everyone knows about and sees daily. Why try to hide and pretend in church? You should be so confident in the life you live that you are comfortable being you, and doing you, whether in church or not. My views are not like others and are very different than popular belief. However, it is because of that difference that I have become who I am. At the end of the day I feel good about the way I treat others, I know my worth, I know my value, I have morals, I feel great being me, and I love the SKIN I'M IN! I really encourage others to invest in themselves, their self expression, and their personal qualities, happiness, and worth and spend less time trying to make people conform to the norm. I was told that conforming to the norm can create abnormalities where people become afraid to find their own identity. I got mine. . Get yours.. #theRealest #tattedAndLoveIt #somethingSerious

You Mad?

You can be mad but don't be bitter. When mad happens you get over it and move on. When you are bitter it resonates in your being and sits there breeding hate. Being Mad is ok because it creates a healthy balance of emotions and offers an outlet for frustrations. However, being bitter is unhealthy and prevents balance by causing you to be in a stagnant state of emotions that stops you from being ultimately happy.. So if you're mad,  be mad and get over it, but don't live harboring bitterness..... it will eat you inside out. ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

Almost Scorned

I'm thinking. . At what point will it be all about me and forsaking all others. At what point will it be an unselfish act of Love on my behalf on your part. I have stood the test of time and still being tried and tested and slighted by you. Whether I ask you to or not, cutting all communication with the person that you allowed to destroy us should be your pleasure and your gift of loyalty to me. Am I not worth that. Do I not deserve a peace of mind after all you've put me through? The answer is I guess not since you feel the need to hang on to the very thing that has caused me so much Heartache and Pain. I know you can't even fathom the amount of hurt I endured behind you two.. I realize it will never end. I just don't mean that much to you for you to walk away from that whole thing completely....The attachment remains between you two and you make it possible so what does that tell me? Clearly, You want her in your life. It's only a matter of time that the communication leads back to the path of history that you claim you want to be done with....And if that happens again my mind is made up... I'm gone for good....I'm dealing with too much to be worried about what you two talk about and when. And whether you are still hooking up. It's old now and I'm over it....if you want to continue your communication with her, maybe you should discontinue the communication with me. .I have been too lenient and too kind for too long. It's time you respect me now. Either run with me or away from me... I'm not asking for a commitment just respect me. Don't introduce me or talk as if I'm your lady to family and friends when in actuality we are on friend status because you don't want to hurt someone else. Not cool :/

What I really wanna say

What I really wanna say:

If I said what I really wanted to say I would call a lot of deserving people ignorant.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would tell people how stupid they are for blaming one man for what this world has become when he didn't do it alone nor does he live here alone.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would probably tell a few people to get their heads and fingers out of their ass so they can stop coming up with this human feces they use to tarnish and scandalize other people's name because their life is meaningless.

If I said what I really wanted to say I know I would tell all negative naysayers to get a life and stop blaming the President and the world for the poor choices they made and poor excuse of a life they live.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would tell all those that find it easier to talk down on others than it is to do better themselves to go straight to hell. . Do not pass through God.. Do not collect any water to cool your behind off.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would say how mad it makes me to see, listen, and understand how grown people teach children and others to hate and discriminate.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would tell people before they judge,say, or do anything mean and hateful, think about the mean and hateful things God could have done to you.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would tell a bunch of know-it-alls that Obama is just a man doing the best he can and he is not the reason for who you are, what you choose to do with your life, or where you are in your life's journey.
If I said what I really wanted to say I would ask who will you blame when Obama's term is over for the problems of this world? God, the Devil, or oh will he still be to blame.

If I said what I wanted to say I would tell a lot of jealous people that too bad your negative posts and non-votes couldn't interfere with God's plan for the White House.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would tell you to stop wasting time fighting and disliking others when it's really yourself you don't like. .Get your Life.

If I said what I really wanted to say I would let you know that in my life God is the Boss and you are just a worker that He will use to make me Great.

If I said what else I really wanted to say I probably would lose a few friends, make you mad, step on some toes, and get death threats too.

Oh well then. . I guess I want say it. ...

Got Read

My Therapist: Marilyn I've learned that by right you are a personal perfectionist that thrives on thoroughness, completeness, and accomplishment for yourself but you don't expect that from others. But, it's time to start speaking up and letting people know when they are falling short of your expectations but at the same time continue to provide leniency, as you do now, knowing that noone is perfect. That way you are not just accepting less because people think you won't complain or say anything because of your kindness. #I'veBeenRead #soNoted #truth

Spare the Rod

Enters stage, grabs and taps mic, clears throat. .uhem...speaks: All I know is that when we were little,  my sisters and i got a whoopin for lying, popped for talking back, beat to the one inch of our lives for cursing, stealing, sneaking out the house, etc. and was beat along with being threatened of grave bodily injuries that could result in you no longer breathing, if you kissed, had sex/grinded, or even thought about it....soooo I wonder what the world would be like if most parents still did that....Thanks for coming out, God Bless You Goodnight..*drops the mic, exits the stage. ..


Not only should we learn to forgive, but we need to learn how to say "I'm sorry" and learn the meaning and power of such words. I'm sorry means you know you were wrong and the errors of your ways. But even further, I'm sorry means I'm not going to knowingly repeat that behavior I'm apologizing for and I will put forth all efforts not to. Don't say you forgive when you really don't. And under the same token don't say "I'm sorry" if you really don't mean it or have the discipline to change your behavior.  ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~


On Blast: I hate to but I have to do it...

Inbox Message: Oh so we bougee now huh. ."housekeeper"

My Public response:

1. Didn't you know I've always been "bougee" this didn't just happen.
2. Not that I have to explain but I want to. I am a Grown American that takes pride in her things and her surroundings. I grew up cleaning house and have ALWAYS cleaned my 6 bedroom/4 bath house by myself with no qualms until recently when, on top of a full time job that travels, writing dissertation, and I took on a Practicum load of 13 patients. I AM THAT CHICK, but when something goes lacking I find a way to GitRdone. My house chores are lacking and my Momma didn't raise me to be a keeper of a dirty house.
3. It's my choice and my hard earned Money. Just like you choose to use your money to drink, smoke, party, buy love, buy cars, drugs, food, or whatever you choose to buy, I choose to use my money for the upkeep of me, my Diva, cars and my home/dwelling place.
4. If wanting a clean house is being "bougee", I'll be THAT! Thank you very much and Happy Sunday!


It must Die

"Even the sun goes down, heroes eventually die ... Horoscopes often lie and sometimes "y" Nothin' is for sure nothin' is for certain nothin' lasts forever..But until they close the curtain, it's him and I - Aquemini" ~Outkast~

Sad but true. .Everything that is born must die. Each day we are a step closer to death and a step further from the day we were born. I use to hear the older generation say we are living in our last days and Time is winding up. . What will you do with your remaining time... tick tock tick tock.....I wait for no man said Father Time! #Live #SIMPLIFY #BeHappy #HelpSomeone ~Dr. Rock Ramsey ~

Thursday, June 12, 2014

What's the difference?


I think differently than most people and I am slow to judge but my initial thought about the young lady breastfeeding at her graduation was a mere WOW and thinking there's a time and place for everything and possibly that that particular day the milk would have been previously pumped. However, that's just me. But in the flip side, why is it OK for celebs to dress provocatively, showing "nips" and all when attending awards or public functions and it's A-ok.. even getting National attention exploiting how HOT they looked wearing little to nothing but showing more than a bit?? WHY? #MAKEYOUWONDER

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Shut Up

Never pass up a good opportunity to shut up...That is All.

Hashtag WHY


(My intent here is not to offend but say what's on my mind. ...#dontbemad #blameFacebookForAsking)

Why is it so hard for kids to get scholarships and financial aid, but it's easy to get welfare?

Why is it harder to get a job than it is to sell drugs?

Why is it so easy to buy alcohol and increase the likelihood of someone dying as a result of driving while intoxicated, but hard to get marijuana legalized for health purpose? Possibly Drunk or Dead vs. High or Healthy..hmmmm

Why is it OK to be drug tested to earn money, but not drug tested to get free money?

Why is it harder to set-up non-profit or charitable organizations to donate to and help children than it is to start your own "for profit" business?

Why do the IRS monitor what you give and what you receive and tax you for it, but only allow you to report so much of your givings to charity or tithes and offerings?

Why is it easy to love people that don't love you and hurt you, but extremely hard to love those that genuinely love you?

Why is it so hard to tell the truth but so easy to decieve?

Why is it so hard to get help for your problems but easy to talk about others getting and needing help?

Why is it OK for you to break 9 of the 10 commandments but judge others for breaking one?

Why is it OK for there to be stations, awards, and a month designated for and labeled for "Blacks"/African Americans, but there would be a problem if there was a White Entertainment Television or WET Awards or White History Month?

Why is OK for White America to say "stop pulling the race card" when the Treyvon Martins and the Jordan Davis's continue to occur and when they are trump tight and still throwing out clubs and spades?

Why is it easy for us to worry about other people's lives when our own lives are raggedy?

Why is it OK to love a God we never saw, but can't love our neighbors?

Why is it so easy to give money away to malls, strip clubs, and bars, but hard to give in church or donate money to help a child go to school and reach their dreams?


Don't let the education fool ya

Don't let the education fool ya:

Although I'm big on getting educated and encouraging others to further their education, the fact remains the same. . There are some people that never went to school or college and are as smart as a whip.

In order to be well-rounded it is good to have both Street and Book sense. However, there are many things that I've learned in school that didn't prepare me at all for the real world and life itself. School didn't teach me how to hustle to get what I wanted, school didn't teach me to be considerate, kind, and compassionate towards others. School lessons didn't teach me how to love others and pray when times get tough. School didn't teach me survival techniques, how to be a mother or wife, how to invest in my future financially or how to build a legacy for offsprings to come. At least not in my courses.

Yes, an education will give you more options but it doesn't guarantee you a job. It's great to have many degrees and academic success, but what good is it if you are not a sociable and well-rounded person that's coach-able and willing to learn from all aspects of life; or know how to hold conversation in laymen's terms. What is it to know every subject but not know how to cope and apply it?

Most educated people forget what they've learned from quarter to quarter and semester to semester anyway, but never forget life lessons..... #truestory #EducationSupercedesJustCollege #knowledgeComesFromManySources

Please Don't Judge Me

Journal Entry #223

"Don't Judge Me, but Respect My Differing Views"

This is long and in depth but it allowed me to get out my thoughts and recognize my possible ill will with "simpletons". As with all my post you are welcome to read it and if not keep scrolling and keep it moving.

Anyway. . Some of you may remember that on the day my car was scraped, I mentioned that someone had offended me but I was going to be slow to vent or respond due to different beliefs among those that read my posts. I mentioned that I didn't want to offend the person or anyone else by what I would say at that time. 

To put it simple. A parent said that she refuses to let her children participate in superficial/man made holidays and asked me what was my opinion mainly on "Halloween and scary stuff". I told her that I'm biased in my opinion because I grew up engaging in such things as Halloween and watching scary movies. I even expressed that having a 6th sense is sometimes worse and was like Halloween and scary movies magnified to the 10th power. Well she proceeds to tell me that "that stuff is demonic" and causes children to grow up acting those evil things out or e c entually become mentally disturbed"...I told her I totally see her point, and I'm sure there is some possible research on the affects Halloween and scary movies have on children,  and to each his/her own. I also added that my siblings and I are fine after being exposed to those things and that we were able to distinguish between real things and make believe and what was appropriate behavior and not. I further told her that I was afraid of things and that experiencing the death of others before and after they've passed, long before I was exposed to scary movies.  But anyway she offended me by saying she is going to pray for me and pray I get delivered from my 6th sense because it's not of God and also pray to remove my need to be frightened. I told her don't pray for me but pray for her own understanding and acceptance of others whose life preference are different than hers. At that point I told her we need to move on from that conversation because I didn't see anything positive coming out of it. (BASICALLY MY WAY OF TELLING HER TO PUMP HER BRAKES BECAUSE THIS AIN'T WHAT YOU WANT. .) I was HOT but had to remember I had to remain professional at all times while interning.

Now that I've had time to cool off and think of what this conversation meant to me or taught me. It forced me to really form my own thoughts and opinions on the subject. Soul searching if you must. .

Well in my professional opinion, stopping kids from imagining things, believing in fairytales, Doc McStuffins, Dora, Santa, the Easter Bunny is certainly the moment when all other negative thoughts and spirits invade their mind and cause them to act and behave in evil ways. When I was a kid "four score and seven years ago" we were challenged and forced to use our imagination and to dream big dreams for the future, even make up inside games when we couldn't go outside. We believed in wishing on a star and making a wish while blowing the pixies off of a dandelion. I believed it all and I'm just fine, if I must say so myself. Why or how so you might ask? Well it's because my parents taught me that above all is a God that sits high and looks low. And by the way my friends, you can't serve a God you've never seen without using your imagination to format or create an image of Him and what you identify with as being your God or Supreme Being. The way in which I believe, identify, and serve a God that I haven't seen is to imagine what he might look like. By the way, it might be worth it for you to look up what "Faith" really is. Let me know if it has anything to do with believing. ...

I found out that Humans want to be able to dictate everything under the sun, including what you think, imagine, and even believe. And if you don't conform to their beliefs and opinions then you are a sinner that's going to die and you are damned to hell. Well NEWS FLASH...As Quiet as its kept, there are several "saints" that proclaimed to have believed in God, that probably still died and went to hell. Yeah, I know that I'm different and my beliefs are not yours and I respect that and I welcome the diversity and ability to chose my path and create my own character while allowing you to do the same. Yes, I like scary movies, I love Halloween, and yes indeed I have a 6th sense which many call weird, ungodly and of a demonic nature, but regardless of what people may think of me, I also reverence my Supreme being as being God Almighty and no one or no "thing" can change that. If I'm going to hell for celebrating Halloween, looking at horror movies, and wanting flowers on Valentines Day. .. Then I certainly know I'm not going it alone....

In my opinion, there was less killings among children when they/we were allowed to play outside,  imagine we were super heroes, and dreaming of white picket fences while laying out in the meadows grass. Don't judge me but instead,  reevaluate your own truths because you probably was a candy snatching costumed gobbler at some point and time too and have indulged in assorted chocolates on a day many were massacred. People have done far worse things than just participating in Halloween pranks and celebrating Valentines Day. Those same parents that won't allow their kids to participate in Halloween, are the same parents that's looking for something on Valentines Day. But for those I encourage you to look up what Valentines really signifies.

Among this new breed, laughter became anger, pranks turned to bullying, school rivals and conpetion turned into school gangs & fighting, resulting in violence. Where did our kids go? Oh yeah, we stopped letting them be kids and stopped allowing them to be exposed to kid things and playing outside, yet expose them to dysfunction, drugs, and violence because while they are inside playing video games they heard mommy and daddy arguing instead of being outside playing and instead of missing out on the name calling and disrespect they added those tainted words to their vocabulary. We shield our kids from "harmless" things but expose them to adult life at a young age and allow them to engage in things beyond their time and wonder why we find porn on their laptops and Ipads. They are only seeking out those things they've been exposed to. How many times have you caught your kid searching "Halloween" or downloading scary movies? I rather scary movies than porn. But that's just me. #IloveHalloween&ScaryMovies #team6thsense #pickYourPoison #AndiwillpickMine ~ Ms. Marilyn Wiley, MSPsych~ A.K.A Dr. Rock Ramsey. ..

To My Mom on Mother's Day 2014

Way back then, I fore-knew you. It was before I was even conceived that God had already predestined our o' so brief moments together. Although I cherished the days you were here with me (us), I cherish your memory even more. Yes, God said you had to leave, but He told me as long as I live I can have my memories of you. That is one of the best gifts he could have ever given me. At times I took you for granted and just knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you would be with me forever but God had other plans. I respect His plan even though His plan took the breath clean out of me. I didn't question Him then and I won't start now. But what I will do is take the strength and lessons I learned from you, and from losing you, and make my days here without you worth my while. I don't have to tell you I love you because I'm sure you know that already. But I will say Ride Sallie Ride, that sweet chariot until the wheels fall off. ..#TURNDOWN4WHAT #ENJOYHEAVENSJUBILEE... HAPPY MOTHER DAY!!!! :-) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Do Better Parents

Disclaimer: Some feelings may be hurt and some faces might be tightened after reading this post. But me being me, I'm OK with that. Sometimes feelings are meant to be hurt, for it builds character or make you do better. .. ..#youCantWhoopMeAnyway #I'mpackingHeat

Yes, It is my Business:

As I have scrolled through my timeline over the last week, as well as, received disappointing messages, I have noticed that many children and especially parents have been very upset and rightfully so. Just like there are birthdays, holidays, and etc., you know when your kids are graduating, having promotional ceremonies and the like. Just as you prepare for other events (mainly selfish ones), by right, you should plan on being there to support your child during such an accomplishment. I work day in and day out, trying to encourage and support kids and undo the damage caused by many inconsiderate parents. Many of my kids literally "hate" their parents due to lack of support, care, and love. Certainly if I can take a little time, effort, and gas to support children that are not my bio-kids, then surely the least the bio- mom and dad can do is be there. Chances are you probably don't do anything else for them anyway so what's so bad about putting forth a free effort that cost you almost nothing but a tank of gas to show some support for their accomplishments. It may be meaningless to you, but it means the world to a child.

I bet if that kid was having a ceremony in which to receive a million dollars, walking pneumonia couldn't keep you bedridden to the point you wouldn't attend. I bet if they were signing or being drafted into the professional league, you would brag to your boss while TELLING them (not asking) that you have to be there for your child.  Whether a $1 million or 5 A's and a B that child will always remember that look of pride and happiness on their parents face for the rest of their lives. It's hard enough for kids as it is. These kids could be locked up, but instead they are staying in school, finishing, and making good grades and athletic accomplishments along the way. Be proud of that. Early support of your children whether they are doing good or bad, is what makes the difference in their future. Whether they choose the high road or low road at least you know you did your part and was there through it all. Who cares if you don't like the other parent. If you were able to like them the few minutes it took to conceive then I'm quite sure you can deal with them long enough for your creation to walk across a stage and receive a diploma or award. Once you have a child, there is no "just you" anymore. Stop thinking about your selfish reasons and emotions and start thinking how your actions affect your child when you are not there for them during special occasions.

I commend all step-parents or fill-in mom and dads that step in and take on the responsibility of supporting someone else's kids as if they were your own. Your good and genuine deeds will not, and is not, going unnoticed. Thank God for ya!

Yes, Ms. Marilyn can and will be there when possible, but me being there is nothing compared to their own parents putting aside their egos and differences for but a moment in time to celebrate their kids and their accomplishments. So when your child grows up and does not want to have anything to do with you, don't blame the other parent or anyone else. Blame yourself. . For it was you that decided not to be in your kids life, or chose not to support them when it counted or meant the most. .
#iLoveTheKids #doBetterParents #thatIsAll

Storm Chaser

written by Marilyn Wiley ~aka Dr. Rock Ramsey~

I am a STORM CHASER. I command you STORM to run from me.
I have been blessed with an inner strength, therefore afraid is something I cannot be.

I am not fearful of you STORM. Instead, I welcome you.
Let me catch up to you STORM, and get the lesson that is born of you.

Let me catch you STORM, and experience the torment of all your dangerous whirlwind.
That way I can capture from you STORM, the essence of what I am to comprehend.

I want to chase you STORM, so that you will know,
how tough I am and how well I can take a blow.

I want you to use your sustaining wind STORM, to try to push me back.
Use your stinging rain STORM, to further put me under attack.

You cannot stop me STORM, for I am a STORM CHASER and I was built for this.
I will use you STORM, take advantage of you STORM and throw you into the great abyss.

You have something I want STORM (a lesson).
You have something I need STORM (experience).
You have something for me STORM (a message).
You have something to give me STORM (strength).
You see, my God sent you to me STORM (my test).
Now you know why I chase you STORM, must I tell you the rest?

I am indeed a STORM CHASER and fear does not live within me.
If I am running to chase you STORM then STORM, you cannot chase me.

Monday, June 9, 2014


Every day should be a vacation even if it's just for five minutes in your thoughts/mind.. Mental escape is the best escape plus it's free travel to your imagination. #NohiddenFees #meditate ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Love Thy Enemy

Random thought for the night:

It's strange to me how people will justify certain things to suit their own personal needs. For example, like an enemy. An enemy (ĕn′ə-mē) by definition is..

1. Merriam-Webster ...
someone who hates another : someone who attacks or tries to harm another. : something that harms or threatens ...

2. person who feels hatred for, fosters harmful designs against, or engages in antagonistic activities against another; an adversary or opponent.

3. Free online dictionary. . One who feels hatred toward, intends injury to, or opposes the interests of another; a foe.

4. Urban dictionary. .a former friend or acquaintance whose company is no longer considered to be beneficial to a relationship, or one who is deemed or deems him/herself to be of more use to another as an adversary as opposed to an ally.

However, this is my case and point, God said to love and forgive thine enemy. But we put stipulations on which enemies we are to love and forgive. If it is a brother, sister, other family member or friend, we have a difficult time loving and forgiving our enemies stating that "we are a work in progress and God isn't through with us yet."

But when it comes to sleeping with the enemy, the damning lies and the tarnished sheets can't even dry quick enough before we forgive and not only just love, but fall even deeper in love with that enemy. I guess when the enemy is in the sheets and have a self serving purpose it's easy to think you are getting something out of the deal. But the truth of the matter is you are only gaining more hurt and disrespect from the enemy you chose to forgive when in actuality if you love and forgive your enemies according to His will there's an eternal benefit to it.

Stop picking and choosing which enemies you will love and forgive based on your own personal gratification. In the end you will learn that you can still love and not be "in love" with the enemy and you can forgive the enemy and live happily without them in your life. But at all cost you will discover that some of those family members and friends (frenemies) that you have a hard time loving and forgiving might just be the ones that's more deserving of your love and forgiveness than the enemies you keep letting back in your heart, your life, and most importantly your bed.

These H@#$ Ain't Loyal

I just have one question to anyone that's questioning Pastor Jamal Bryant's sermon where he said "these h@€$ ain't loyal... Does the Bible speak of Whoremongers?? #heJustPutitinLaymenTerms #thatIsAll #imARealist#different #nowTheyGetIt

Be Great

Let's go be great today! Remember, it takes nothing but a little bit of effort and it won't hurt you to be nice or do something kind for someone today. It can only make you and them happy and increase your own blessings. .#actright #beGood #BeBlessed

The Heat Is On!!

Give it a rest peeps: #teamHeat 

I don't care what the case may be. Every person is different and everyone's body and tolerance level is different. Professional basketball players are not trained to perform in sub par airing conditions. This is not the NFL period. You can be the most healthiest well suited athlete but until you are exposed to certain conditions and elements you do not know, nor can anyone else say how "you" should perform or be able to take the Heat! . The temperature was a factor and yes a game changer in my opinion. Just because others well tolerated the conditions does not mean everyone should be able to. Just like what another person eats does not make me poop, the same goes for LeBron and the other players he's being compared to. Their game changer is obviously not like his. The bottom line is as soon as that AC went out a new one should have been on hand or skilled Technicians should have been there to fix it PERIOD! THIS IS AMERICA WHERE WE MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. . MONEY TALKS.. The Heat lost. Cool.. They may have lost even if the AC was fully functional. . But the fact remains the same neither team signed up to play in such conditions and I applaud them all for sticking it out because I'm sure some of us would have grabbed our coat and brim and got on out that gym. . And there it is. .#YourBluesAreNotLikeMine

Stand Up

Just when you start to feel like you are drowning in life, stand up. You can only be in it as deep as your own height. Your life is your own ocean made just for you. ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~