Friday, June 13, 2014

Happy and Sad

How can you be happy when you know others are sad?

It's not easy, but it's Ok. . See, At times when some are happy, others are sad. At times some are laughing while others are crying. But know that seasons change, momentum shifts, and tables turn. Everyone of us will have joy as sure as we all will have pain, but it all depends on what you do, what you learn, and how you act during all of those times that defines you and build your character. However,  through it all never lose your self dignity, self worth, or self respect. Relish in your moment but Don't boast or brag and don't wallow in pity and "woe is me" too long because it could become a permanent you...People will have something to say no matter what your season is. So, Laugh, cry be happy, or sad..all of that. . It's called emotional balance.. But through it All...Know this too shall pass Be it good or bad and you will come out just fine...#life'sCycle #embraceYOURseason ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

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