Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Heat Is On!!

Give it a rest peeps: #teamHeat 

I don't care what the case may be. Every person is different and everyone's body and tolerance level is different. Professional basketball players are not trained to perform in sub par airing conditions. This is not the NFL period. You can be the most healthiest well suited athlete but until you are exposed to certain conditions and elements you do not know, nor can anyone else say how "you" should perform or be able to take the Heat! . The temperature was a factor and yes a game changer in my opinion. Just because others well tolerated the conditions does not mean everyone should be able to. Just like what another person eats does not make me poop, the same goes for LeBron and the other players he's being compared to. Their game changer is obviously not like his. The bottom line is as soon as that AC went out a new one should have been on hand or skilled Technicians should have been there to fix it PERIOD! THIS IS AMERICA WHERE WE MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. . MONEY TALKS.. The Heat lost. Cool.. They may have lost even if the AC was fully functional. . But the fact remains the same neither team signed up to play in such conditions and I applaud them all for sticking it out because I'm sure some of us would have grabbed our coat and brim and got on out that gym. . And there it is. .#YourBluesAreNotLikeMine

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