Friday, June 13, 2014

No Grooming Necessary

STOP THE PRESS...I have heard it all so I'm going to put this out there for the free:

At my age I do not want a man that I have to train or groom into being, not only what I desire, but what he should already be by now. If he's my age he's lived long enough to know the do's and don'ts of a good relationship and how to be an established and well suited and situated man that has and can hold and handle his own. It does not look good for a man to be asking a woman for money, especially if they are not even together or down like that. Yes it's OK for a woman to help a man but for me there are requirements that must be met. You can determine your own requirements when it's your money. But anyway at some point you have to do something different to provide or make some changes to your comfort zone to live the lifestyle you want.(But that's another topic for later). If your momma, the streets, life experiences and past relationships didn't teach you how to be a man and the things a woman like and dislike, then clearly God has not prepared you for me, or either, you haven't asked me the right questions to know  or find out what I like. Maybe you need to stop inquiring about "what I'm doing and what I'm wearing", and ask more pertinent questions to help you learn and define my character, my wants, and my needs in a relationship and I'll oblige.

If you don't know how to open your mouth and communicate and ask questions that are important for you to know then stop right there, because you can't know my likes and dislikes based on trial and error only, because that trial and error may cost you the opportunity to get to know me better.

Adults are too old to be assuming and guessing things. My life and career is centered around picking people's brains and figuring out their thought process. . This is not what I want to do in my personal or intimate relationships when I final engage in one. If I ask a question just answer it. If you don't want me to know just say that.

I am single by choice because my tolerance for foolishness, people being inconsiderate, disrespectful,  and having a lack of regard for loyalty, trust, and monogamy in relationships, is at an all time low. People play games or use the fact that they didn't know something as an excuse for poor choices and stupid mistakes. We are all human and mistakes will happen but when you have the ability to prevent or correct a mistake and don't, you get.. nor do you deserve forgiveness or respect for that matter.

Life is what you make it. Relationships are what you make it. What you put in, you get out. What you get out should be as equal as the effort you put in.

I will not accept sub par behavior from anyone based on "I didn't know" or "they never tried". Just as other people's time is precious and valuable.. so is mine.  Just like other people want respect, so do I.

I will continue to be single and cool with it until the man that does not need to be coached on how to be a good man comes along sent via God himself. If you know you are not right and you know you are no good for me or anyone else, the best way to show you care is to walk away instead of trying to fumble innocent hearts.

For me, if you are not Godly marriage material don't block my view or my blessing. . That won't prosper me or you...As I pray for a mate suitable for me, I pray God makes me marriage material at its best. It's a two-way Street and effort on both parts.

NOW. .Will the real marriage material please stand up! And the game players take several stadiums full of seats. #WowReallyDude #AndStayOutMyInboxWithThatFoolishness #OnBlast

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