Sunday, June 29, 2014

Money Matters

Just my opinion:

When you are in a relationship, there should be no reason for one person to have to pull the majority of the weight financially, emotionally, or supportively speaking when there are two able bodies that can do so, unless you all have an "understanding" that that's cool with the both of you off the jump. However,  I do believe that there are some circumstances and situations where it is prematurely discussed and decided on who will be the bread winner and the home maker, but in this day and time things have shifted more to equal or dual responsibilities in the relationship. 

I can understand house husbands or housewives being an agreed upon thing, but when it is not agreed upon and one person starts to pull the weight unequivocally or unexpectedly, or one starts to slack, if your relationship is not strapped tight, this is a recipe for disaster.

In most cases, I agree that the men and women should both be able to split the responsibility and household bills, and that both should be self - sufficient to the point that if the relationship does not work, they should both be able to survive and maintain alone, but again that's my personal opinion.

I don't think that if two people are physically able to provide, that one, especially a man, should enter an engagement or "marriage" without being able to pull their weight or at least pay half of all household bills. Tradition has it that the man is supposed to be the provider, but reality proves that the number of women taking care of men, married or dating, far exceeds the number of men holding it down. And some people prefer romance over finances. But Kermit said that's none of my business.

But at any rate, before you commit, it is very important to have the "finances" conversation. No, I'm not saying exchange bank account info, or divulge how much you make, or get joint accounts. But I am saying to discuss your financial, emotional, sexual, religious, household, and supportive expectations up front and if it is not conducive to you and your lifestyle, discuss how to make it work or how to go your separate ways amicably. That is all! #knowYourLimits&Expectations ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

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