Sunday, June 8, 2014

Love Thy Enemy

Random thought for the night:

It's strange to me how people will justify certain things to suit their own personal needs. For example, like an enemy. An enemy (ĕn′ə-mē) by definition is..

1. Merriam-Webster ...
someone who hates another : someone who attacks or tries to harm another. : something that harms or threatens ...

2. person who feels hatred for, fosters harmful designs against, or engages in antagonistic activities against another; an adversary or opponent.

3. Free online dictionary. . One who feels hatred toward, intends injury to, or opposes the interests of another; a foe.

4. Urban dictionary. .a former friend or acquaintance whose company is no longer considered to be beneficial to a relationship, or one who is deemed or deems him/herself to be of more use to another as an adversary as opposed to an ally.

However, this is my case and point, God said to love and forgive thine enemy. But we put stipulations on which enemies we are to love and forgive. If it is a brother, sister, other family member or friend, we have a difficult time loving and forgiving our enemies stating that "we are a work in progress and God isn't through with us yet."

But when it comes to sleeping with the enemy, the damning lies and the tarnished sheets can't even dry quick enough before we forgive and not only just love, but fall even deeper in love with that enemy. I guess when the enemy is in the sheets and have a self serving purpose it's easy to think you are getting something out of the deal. But the truth of the matter is you are only gaining more hurt and disrespect from the enemy you chose to forgive when in actuality if you love and forgive your enemies according to His will there's an eternal benefit to it.

Stop picking and choosing which enemies you will love and forgive based on your own personal gratification. In the end you will learn that you can still love and not be "in love" with the enemy and you can forgive the enemy and live happily without them in your life. But at all cost you will discover that some of those family members and friends (frenemies) that you have a hard time loving and forgiving might just be the ones that's more deserving of your love and forgiveness than the enemies you keep letting back in your heart, your life, and most importantly your bed.

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