Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hashtag WHY


(My intent here is not to offend but say what's on my mind. ...#dontbemad #blameFacebookForAsking)

Why is it so hard for kids to get scholarships and financial aid, but it's easy to get welfare?

Why is it harder to get a job than it is to sell drugs?

Why is it so easy to buy alcohol and increase the likelihood of someone dying as a result of driving while intoxicated, but hard to get marijuana legalized for health purpose? Possibly Drunk or Dead vs. High or Healthy..hmmmm

Why is it OK to be drug tested to earn money, but not drug tested to get free money?

Why is it harder to set-up non-profit or charitable organizations to donate to and help children than it is to start your own "for profit" business?

Why do the IRS monitor what you give and what you receive and tax you for it, but only allow you to report so much of your givings to charity or tithes and offerings?

Why is it easy to love people that don't love you and hurt you, but extremely hard to love those that genuinely love you?

Why is it so hard to tell the truth but so easy to decieve?

Why is it so hard to get help for your problems but easy to talk about others getting and needing help?

Why is it OK for you to break 9 of the 10 commandments but judge others for breaking one?

Why is it OK for there to be stations, awards, and a month designated for and labeled for "Blacks"/African Americans, but there would be a problem if there was a White Entertainment Television or WET Awards or White History Month?

Why is OK for White America to say "stop pulling the race card" when the Treyvon Martins and the Jordan Davis's continue to occur and when they are trump tight and still throwing out clubs and spades?

Why is it easy for us to worry about other people's lives when our own lives are raggedy?

Why is it OK to love a God we never saw, but can't love our neighbors?

Why is it so easy to give money away to malls, strip clubs, and bars, but hard to give in church or donate money to help a child go to school and reach their dreams?


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