Friday, June 13, 2014

Shhhhhhh Sometimes

On 1: Sometimes even though we see or notice things, it's ok not to say anything or express our opinions. It is also ok to be picky without being overly critical or opinionated toward others. Everyone doesn't have a strong personality that can take your critical and belittling and overly critical remarks and comments. Delivery is everything. If your comments are genuine and comes from a genuine place then you will know how, and take the time to deliver your comments in a none hurtful and none offensive manner while keeping the persons feelings in tact.

If it is genuine, it will be taken as such. There are many rude people with little to no tact that feel it is necessary to voice their "not needed" opinions and most of the time they are to self-absorbed that they don't even realize they have just offended someone and don't realize that they have fallen short of being perfect themselves.
The moral of the story is even though you notice things sometimes you need to get somewhere and get quiet and keep your criticism to yourself. Be picky if you choose, but be QUIET if what you say is more of a negative opinion than a helpful solution. And if you must share your opinion, practice and consider how to deliver your critique appropriately and with couth. Misguided words lead to hurt feelings people. Stop being sooo RUDE... . That is all....~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

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