Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Some People

What I've learned about some people Some people will always have something to say, most times negative. Some people will always be unhappy, no matter what. Some people will always try to steal your joy, because they don't have any. Some people will always try to demean your kind gestures, no matter how good your intentions are. Some people will always be unappreciative and ungrateful. Some people will never be consistent, loyal, or dependable. Some people will always find the bad in things instead of the obvious good. Some people will never live up to their potential, and get mad when you live up to yours. Some people will always take things the wrong way because they are waiting for an excuse to go off. Some people will never change, regardless of the ever so changing world and views. Some people are not happy in the skin they are in so they pretend. Some people carry so much resentment and anger and are beyond helping. Some people will target you, as the one to release their anger on for no apparent reason. Some people would rather see you miserable because it makes you equal to them. Some people will always pass judgment on you. Some people will despitefully use you. Some people will always lie to you because it's easier than telling the truth. Some people will always see the bad in you, instead of the good. Some people will make mistakes and not try to fix them. Some people do not know how to forgive. Some people are meant to be de-friended. Some people can't handle the truth. Some people, no matter how beautiful, can be ugly on the inside. Some people will always be rude, mean, and nasty to you regardless of how nice you are. Some people will never love the way you love. Some people love to see others hurt because they are hurting inside. Some people are in denial about one thing or another. Ask yourself, are you some people?

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