Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Welcome to Rock Bottom

I know a lot of people that live very charmed lives, where nothing ever seems to go wrong for them. There was a time when I envied those people. I don’t anymore. They never get to experience the storms of life, never had to face their fears. These storms make us better. They’re our chance for a do over. It’s our reset button, where everything is stripped from us and we are completely gutted. I know because it has happened to me. In an instant everything was gone – I had nothing and no one and I was paralyzed with fear.

However, “the beauty of rock bottom is that it’s a place of reflection, of where you can actually hear what your spirit has been trying to tell you, but you were too preoccupied with your life to listen. There is nowhere to go at rock bottom but up and it’s here where you create the path out. It’s here, when we get to map out the plan for the life we should have been living all along. It's here where we finally notice our wings and start to fly.  It’s here, where we get to start again.”

Rock bottom is a magical place and if you’re lucky, you’ll have a chance to visit.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s terrifying, but the most incredible things happen and you won’t be the same person coming out that you were going in. Rock Bottom is where you can clearly hear from God and reconnect to Him and your Faith.

Here’s a list of what happens at Rock Bottom:

You are forced to face everything that frightens you about yourself and your life and you get to figure out how to overcome it. You are forced to look inward and to discover who you are. When you have lived your whole life for other people and then suddenly find yourself with no one else to focus on, you learn for the first time how to be your own friend, what you like, what you want and what you need. You find your true self.  It's where you finally stop and reconnect to your spirit and start becoming your authentic self. You stop living under someone else’s thumb and find out what it’s like to be in charge of your own life. You find your power and that which is indestructible in you. It’s where you stop being an ordinary person and become the warrior. You get to reprogram your mind and learn all that you should have been taught as a child. You learn how to depend on yourself, because there is no one else to take care of you and you get a taste of how sweet autonomy is. You learn how to deal with your emotions and your grief. You heal the wounded child inside. You learn how to create and maintain your own stability.

You learn how to cut people, and things that do not have your back or best interest at heart, off. Those people that you stuck your neck out for and went above and beyond for that took you for granted suddenly appears to you as the selfish and heartless people that they really are. You finally are free to clearly see the people that genuinely cares for you. It's called Freedom. You start to look ahead and plan your future and goals.You choose who you let into your inner circle. You start again.

“There is a profound stillness at rock bottom. It’s very quiet and there is no one around to distract you. It’s a place where you are completely alone with nothing but your thoughts for companionship.”

Rock Bottom is the ending and the beginning of the old life and the new. At Rock Bottom all of the choices are yours. It’s your opportunity to start over and to get it right. Resist the urge to give up on life, or to lose faith. It’s easy to do, I know. Rock Bottom is not for the faint of heart. If you get to go there it’s because you are strong enough to bear it and because the Universe has better things in store for you.

I didn’t see it then, but what had happened to me, I’m convinced, was divine intervention. I was existing in a loveless relationship, in an unfulfilling job, living an inauthentic life, which I was never willingly going to leave and so the Universe did what a loving Universe does –  it shoved me out of my uncomfortable comfort zone and it put me through a divine detox.

So if you are at Rock Bottom or have been there, take the time to reflect and see what has truly happened from the proper perspective. Tell yourself that "this was a divine cleanse, meant to make me healthier, meant to clear out all the baggage and cobwebs that cluttered my mind and put me on the right path. Afterwards I will notice that I have new eyes to see with, a new appreciation for what really matters and I will have found me– the greatest gift of all."

#Rock Bottom #TakingTheGoodFromThePerceivedBad #MyTestimonyInAnutshell #DeepRead

Excerpts taken from and all credits given to Esteemology's "The Majesty of Rock Bottom: The Universe’s Ultimate Cleanse"

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