Sunday, June 12, 2016

Senseless Murders in Orlando

The Orlando shooting is a huge blow to humanity. Not only is it insane but my fear is that it will have a negative impact on those who are suffering with identity crisis due to their fear of coming out as gay or lesbian. I think this could prove to be a major therapeutic setback for people that fear they will be attacked if they live their truths. My hope is that this tragedy gives them strength to stand up for who they are and the life they choose to live.

This idiot committed such a heinous act because he felt he could play God and condemn, judge, and punish people that he couldn't identify with. We do not get to take lives and not suffer our own destruction and demise. I know my job is not to judge or punish people, but to help them live a healthy and happy quality of life, regardless of the lifestyle they choose to identify with. However, I'm still entitled to my opinion and this dude ain't "guano", ain't never been "guano", and will never be "guano"..... I feel that way about a lot of people but does that give me the right to massacre them... NO...#AllLivesMatter #SadDay

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