Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Leave Those Kids Alone

Some Fathers, and don't get me wrong, Mothers too, have NO clue of the impact they have on their children. Parents have the ability to make or break a child in the simplest ways possible, that have major, life long impacts on their children. The reason I started off with Fathers is because the majority of the kids I see have more "daddy issues" than "momma issues". Not to say that one bears more blame than the other, but based on my current experiences. However, the point of the matter is this... 1. Don't take your crappy life out on kids. 2. Let kids be kids and stop including them in your grown up problems and conversations, and then get mad when they talk to you like your equal instead of your child. 3. Instead of waiting until they get out of line before you try to correct them, start teaching them early. (Trust me, I know that this doesn't always work with some of the head strong kids but it doesn't mean you give up teaching and correcting. Keep on until they get it or is able to get out). 4. Stop staying around abusive spouses that not only abuse the kids but abuse you too. 5. If you know you don't have patience, wrap it up, take a pill, abstain, or whatever you need to do to prevent yourself from harming or scarring a child for life. If you can't help'em don't hurt'em... I rather you be a deadbeat or absent in their lives than to cause them so much heartache and pain...

And there it is...... #iLoveTheKids ~Marilyn~

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