Sunday, June 5, 2016

I'm JUST getting in from work... Really

If you call or text me and ask what I'm doing and I say I'm just getting in from work or just walking in the door from work.... My courtesy to you is answering the phone or text in the first place, even though I'm tired and exhausted; and giving you a subtle cue phrase (I'm JUST getting home), which really means "I need a minute to decompress".

I should hope, upon finding out I JUST got home, that if its not important, that you would in turn give me the common courtesy of saying "OK I'll call you back or you call me when you get settled". Not for you to continue to talk and tell me about things that can clearly wait until later or even tomorrow. That's when I start feeling some kind of way and the tired plus angry feeling comes over me..Like REALLY! I try not to be rude but it's at that moment that I zone out and harbor attitude as you unnecessarily bend my ear.

So what are you saying.. Dr. Rock? Well from now on if I'm just walking in from work, I will not answer any calls or text until after I've had a minute to settle down and regroup.. Problem solved.... Nobody Move Nobody Get Hurt #RudeNotRude

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