Thursday, October 2, 2014

What Dont Kill You Makes You Stronger Aye?

I spoke to a former patient of mine today. She's a victim of domestic violence. She said something that bothered me. She said she's still being abused from time to time but things are better. I won't go in depth about the conversation but before the conversation ended she said.... Well he hasn't killed me so I guess I'm only getting stronger. I almost lost my cool at that point but I kept my cool needless to say.

My friends...Yes it's cliche... What don't kill you makes you stronger. But on the real, don't let trying to be stronger get you killed. Don't keep trying to get make-believe muscles and be stronger and end up dead in the process. It doesn't work like that. Know when enough is enough and be strong enough to walk away while you still have strength and blood in your veins to walk. Trying to flex and be stronger can kill you too. Find your strength another way...enduring domestic abuse is not it.......

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