Monday, July 14, 2014

The Power to Cut People Off

Great Morning My Friends and Happy Sunday!

I woke up this morning reflecting on last night and how something so minuscule could have went left and been a Huge Mistake. Thank God for the Power of cutting people off. I post this hoping that some of you will understand that power is not in arguing or going for bad, but Power comes with being in control and cutting things off, sometimes even people, in order to move to the next level of character building and reaching your goals and ultimate peaceful place. .

One of my friends (now distant friend) was out of line last night. Instead of being confrontational in public or confrontational at all, I simply made my point in a low-key non-argumentative manner and I decided I can't have her and her negativity around me. My little sister who is a very overprotective young cat, started out being the mediator, but soon began to see the other person as being disrespectful and not caring to listen and bring it down a bit (mind you Tessa is normally a "no talk/ will swing" kinda chick) was about to get in ol' girls business for disrespecting me but I told her it was cool and to let's go. After tugging her several times she obliged without further public attention.

It could have been bigger than what it was but I have an image and reputation to uphold and I can't do public attention and drama at all, as all my friends know. It wasn't a big thing, but as I get older I think more before I react and I have a lot to lose if I let that Alabama Wiley/Moneyham mix come out.

Nothing is worth sacrificing my goals I've worked so hard for, for so long. It could all be over with one strike, one fire, one arrest.... I am becoming a better judge of character and at a certain age there are just things you don't do and letting others rip your dreams right out of your hand or cause you to lose respect from the very people you are trying to teach the right way is so not a good move. I hate to remove people from my circle, but I now know those worthy of being in my circle and those who don't. I guess that comes with age. However, I'm sure there will be more along the way that will fall by the way side. I can't be getting in mess and drama under my code of ethics to be a doctor or get arrested and still maintain my job. Somethings are not worth it. If it has something to do with harming my family I might go for broke, especially after losing my mother, but pettiness doesn't move me anymore. So I have to be careful who I hang around and what I do and choose my battles wisely, but Tessa feels the need to take up for me and I can't have her in trouble because she has a lot to lose as well, (even though I now understand why she always feels the need to take up for me "Her MUCH OLDER BIG SISTER" lol) So to squash it all I've learned to cut people off even some of my closest friends that are messy and I keep it moving. Heartless no... But perhaps putting my best interest at heart. .. But I wish them no hurt, harm, or danger but I know we can't Co - exist and I keep my cool for too much longer.

Smokey told me not to let my degrees or status ever change me but know how to act and when to act. Although I've learned how to contain myself and think before acting, I'm still Mikey Wiley from Brantley underneath it all.  #byeFelicia because #datshItzAmanda

1 comment:

  1. Churrrch.... u seem like a truly sweet person.... just sweet 2 the core... their lost..
