Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Ladies and gentlemen,

You should never stop doing those little things that you did in the beginning to make a person fall in love with you. If it stops then it wasn't genuine from the start. You just don't stop doing things that's genuinely apart of you or your character. If you genuinely like going to the movies, you are not going to stop because you saw a few bad movies are you?

Then why stop doing the little things because "he made me mad" or "she has an attitude" or "they've changed". Just like a mother's love, no matter what you do she keeps on loving and doing the little things, so should it be in love relationships. You still genuinely have sex with each other even though they are mad, got attitude, or have changed... So keep buying flowers, saying I love you, taking them on dates, cooking a meal, wearing lingerie, sending sweet good morning text or whatever the little things you did to make them fall in love in the first place.

If it was genuine you won't even have to remind them what those little things were/are that they do or did because it will occur naturally. 😊 ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

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