Saturday, July 5, 2014

Face Tightening Saturday:

I never post racially motivated posts but this is bothering me and I'm speaking from personal experience and what I know. Yeah yeah I know some of you might get mad or even delete me and yadayadayada and I'm cool with that but some things need to be said and heard for character building.

Black folks will never get ahead until they learn how to handle their business, mind their own business, and make things such as stop lying, stop being jealous, stop being lazy, stop trying to get over, stop backstabbing and using people, stop blaming others for their failures, stop blaming and living in the past, stop looking for handouts, and stop living above their means, their business.

Disclaimer: This may apply to several other ethnic groups but I'm talking about my own. Deal with it or delete me are your choices....And there it is.. I am a Grown Black American and I approved this message.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks doc. Your thoughts nourish my soul... keep it coming. ..
