Monday, March 20, 2017

Closed For The Holidays

Doc's Annual Black Friday Public Service Announcement

Face-tightening Moment but all in love and respect.. The foolery has begun 😐

Entering the Stage from Right....At center stage, grabs and taps the mic....clears throat..mic check 🗣HuuhNationn, HuuhNation (sibling insider)

Speaks....First Giving Honor to God, the Bishop, the Presiding Elder (aka Zinella), the WMS, the YPD, the Pastor, Saints, Members, and Friends.

In the church announcements today, Sis Dr. Wiley would like to provide a friendly reminder that the wrongly perceived "Wiley Bank & Trust" is Closed per the lending manager. All loan apps, "let me hold something* apps, and "can I get a favor" apps will be DENIED during the Holidays, and perhaps year around, due to a serious violation of the Prompt Payment clause of the agreement. You can thank those that have previously instated their own clause of "No or Slow" Payment, unbeknownst to me. Christmas, Birthdays, and the first day of school comes at the same time each year giving you adequate time to plan for each of these life events accordingly. Tis is not the season to be asking for money when others want and need their money to buy and give to their families, friends, and loved ones. And even though they may have it to give, you should not be counting people's pockets. If you must borrow, go to a real bank.

The Bank Manager has decided to let you be accountable for your money, your time, and your actions and learn how to be responsible with money, plan for things, and utilize your time effectively. The said bank is tired of getting burnt financially while trying to genuinely help "undeserving" people, both friends and family and also those I don't consider to be either. Not all are undeserving. There are those I will help in a heartbeat, no questions asked, and I'm sure they all know who they are.

So, should there be any loans or apps ever in the future, for consideration, they will all be subject to a credit check, a background check, and a signing of a promissory note. Most lenders do it, so why can't I? Since people think I'm a bank let's proceed like one. All business, nothing personal. My mom use to say if you give it don't expect it back. This is true in a personal sense, but not a business sense.

So, if you just started reaching out to me by phone, text, Facebook inbox, Instagram, or Twitter since Nov. 1 the answer is NO so don't bother. You are the same ones that forfeited on your promise to pay and cut off all contact after New Year's. I didn't forget, I'm busy and about a lot of things but forgetting how I was treated isn't one. You mad or Nah.. it's OK.

And there it is... Cold, hard truth but somebody has to say it... Sorry Not Sorry. Now let the church say Amen.

Drops the mic🎤...exits the stage to the left✌🏾

#lessonslearned #getMoney #HustleHard #NotSelfish #NotStingy  #JustNotEnablingAnymore #AdvancedNotice #TheRealest #KeepingIt100 #iAintGotItq

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