Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dead Weight....

Dead weight ass "chronic daters" that don't bring shit to the table, and work, but can barely feed and take care of themselves, and don't contribute to the household, need to sit their asses down and stop trying to call shots and request things. You don't pay any bills, but steady sucking up AC, enjoying the cable, and washing/drying clothes, don't pay for any gas or buy food, but yet riding/driving your boo car like it's your own, and eating good and living high on the hog. You don't buy no gifts, no flowers, or even initiate a date night for fear of having to pay since it was your idea, but hang out with your friends, buying and spending all night, and even take trips out of town with them, but can't afford a date. Please believe me, it won't be long before he/she recognizes the dead, but expensive, weight you are and move on to someone less complicated and willing to provide for them even though they have their own... Real Talk! #childBoo #maleOrFemale #tag'emIfYouKnow'em #youmadornah

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