Wednesday, August 5, 2015

No Accountability

Real Talk:

No one has relationship accountability anymore. There are so many options out there and people that will allow you to do what you want, treat them the way you want, and act any kind of way that you want, until there is no reason to fix a behavior that someone that's into you points out to you. You'd rather move on to the next one hoping they will not try to "change" you or be satisfied with your half effort or lack of regard for relationship standards.

We have become an entitled society where we feel that we don't have to work hard for nothing. If it causes us heart burn or require us to work harder, we drop that and move on to something easier until the "something easier" requires work or attention.

Relationships back in the day during my parents times lasted for years. People dated all through high school and you knew who couples were. There was know guessing as to whether they were dating and in most cases those high school couples end up marrying and having kids. I'm not saying those relationships were perfect, but I am saying that many of them had staying power and were devoted to their marriage and kids and struggled to keep it together. However, these days the entitled earthlings are about every struggle but the struggle of love and creating a bond and lasting relationship. Because there is a huge number of women to men in current times, does not mean that in a scenario where there are 10 women to 1 man, that the 1 man must try all 10 women. Or vice versa.

Life is hard itself, must we make love and finding someone to respect, honor, cherish, and build with even harder? If we become the person we want to fall in love with and if we sacrifice the thought of everything being easy and handed to us without putting in work, we will see that finding and maintaining love is not that hard at all. We will find that it is easier to trust people and see the good in them before the bad. I'm not saying to stay in a loveless relationship and I'm not saying to be strung along trying to jump through imaginary hoops for someone that's not your equal or doesn't appreciate you, once you realize it's REALLY not worth the effort. But I am saying to at least give it a true go and 100% before so easily throwing in the towel.

There will be instances that you will have to accept things about a person that perhaps isn't quite what you asked for, but you can find in a 5'7" tall person the same qualities as you would find in a 6'3" tall person. Small sacrifices are to be made in a world full of imperfections and imperfect people.

My Smokey told me that a man knows what he wants with a woman within 3 months of knowing them. He said they know if they want to marry you, play around with you when it's convenient for them, or just keep you hanging around with no plans of marrying. This may not be true, but I believe everything My Smokey tells me is the Gospel..... Well SOME things. But, I'm sure that such insight on women is available as well, but I can only speak on what was told to me.

Anyway, all I'm saying is stop swapping relationships like underwear because of what you deem as something you don't have to put up with, and due to being spoiled with other options and availability. Find that one person that's worth the fight and sacrifice. Don't move on too soon because it's difficult. Hell all relationships are difficult. And don't stick around for years when you know it's a bad situation or know that the person is never going to marry you. It seems like we work harder to keep bad and unhealthy relationships going, but quick to drop those with potential.... Smh my people my people.... Wake up Grown Americans..... Let's start over, back to the way things were (in my Miles Jaye voice)... But real talk.... Accept responsibility, develop accountability, and put in work for your relationships and stop taking love for granted before you lose it or never get the chance to experience it, with your many options having behinds....

I'm Dr. Rock Ramsey and I approved this message.

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