Monday, December 15, 2014

On Racism

On Racism:

I'm reading a lot about racism, racist comments, kids of friends being called the N-Word, and being told their brown skin is not liked..... Much of the world's problems began as budding negative seeds taught to us as children......

Racism, discrimination, and hatred aren't born. Being racist is not determined by a skin color, but it's something that's taught. It's introduced and bred among a group of people that lack human compassion and lack the motivation to change the generations to follow.

On Being Called the N-Word:
I would rather be called black than to be called the N-word. But strangely enough there are people that are cool with being called the N-Word by their own, but dare to be called such, by someone outside their ethnic group. Why be in a group of friends of a variety of ethnic groups and it's OK for you to use the word but not your friends? I'm confused.

Between the ages of 1-5 is when a child learns and retains the most. There are children i know of 4 and under that have already discovered a word that is harmful and very offensive to many. Your kids learn from you and their surroundings. You should be mindful of the influence you have on your kids as well as others, and be mindful of the influences you expose them to whether it be to people, places, videos, or music. Instead of just exposing them to the word, if you must, teach them the negative connotation of the word as well. Better yet teach them the books of the Bible. I'd rather them call someone Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John than the N-Word. This is very disturbing and very upsetting to say the least... Racism and hatred will never end unless everyone do their part. Parent or not, teach these kids compassion and humility at an early age and I promise you'll see a changed society. Whoever those kids parents are, they were taught to call black people "N-Word" too, and their parents and grandparents and so on... So thus a generational curse that's still getting people hurt, discriminated against, and sometimes killed.... I can truly say that i have a multitude of friends of all races, creed, color, ethnic, and gender groups. I see them for how they treat me and treat others. If I had the slight inclination that any of them had a racist bone in their body, I would not stop socializing with them but they would definitely not be in my circle of who i call true friends.. I rather know a racist person don't like me than to pretend they do....When will it end. ~Dr. Rock Ramsey ~

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